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In the world of economics and management, the concept of management plays a crucial role in achieving organizational goals. Management involves various dimensions such as work management, management of people, and management of operations. It is a dynamic function that requires flexibility and adaptability to succeed in changing conditions. Good management is essential for organizational efficiency, goal achievement, individual growth, and societal development.
Management is often regarded as both an art and a science. As an art, it requires creativity, skill, and a visionary approach in organizing human talent. On the other hand, as a science, it follows a systematic pattern, involves data gathering and analysis, and deals with the inexact nature of human factors. Understanding the difference between management and administration is crucial, as they serve different functions based on decision-making, nature, process, skills, and influence.
The functions of management are essential for the smooth operation of an organization. Planning involves setting objectives and determining steps to achieve them, while organizing aligns resources and establishes productive relationships. Staffing focuses on hiring and developing personnel, directing ensures efficient work through leadership, and controlling monitors performance towards goal fulfilment. Different levels of management, including top-level/administrative, middle-level/executory, and low-level/supervisory, play distinct roles in organizational activities.