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The week of December 20th to 27th, 2020 at the Paroisse Notre Dame des Causses includes various religious events and celebrations. From Sunday to Sunday, there are Masses, anniversaries, intentions, and special services such as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses. The schedule also highlights safety measures in place during the celebrations, including spacing between individuals or family units, wearing masks, using hand sanitizer, and maintaining distances during processions.
The week begins with the 4th Sunday of Advent Mass at the church of St. Pie X in Bozouls, followed by a meeting of priests in Espalion. Special intentions are mentioned for specific individuals and families throughout the week. Christmas celebrations include a Midnight Mass, a Christmas Day Mass, and Masses in honor of St. Etienne and the Holy Family. The importance of following safety guidelines during these events is emphasized to ensure the well-being of all participants.