Prix simple. Outils puissants. Annulation à tout moment.
Man's World Issue 11 is a magazine that features pure satire, with a focus on various brands and people. The content is fictional and should not be taken seriously by anyone who might be offended by its content. The magazine offers a unique perspective on life and events, creating a work of fiction based on real situations and characters.
(Source:, p. 1)
The magazine includes a variety of sections, such as meditations, opinion pieces, surfing the silver tsunami, exclusive essays, classic stories, and polemical essays. It features contributions from notable writers like Raw Egg Nationalist, Lunkhead, Marcus Hardwire, and more. The content covers a wide range of contemporary subjects, offering thought-provoking insights and perspectives.
(Source:, p. 5)
Some of the highlighted sections in the magazine include "Warrior and Moby Dick" by Athenian Stranger, "The Bugman Archipelago" by Civilian1A, "In Search of Venus" by Stone Age Herbalist, and "Dreaming of Avant-Garde Acceleration" by Ringleader. These sections offer unique analyses, essays, and stories that delve into various topics such as national divorce, historical exploration, and avant-garde art.
(Source:, p. 78, 106, 148, 174)