Center for Brain & Disease Research Brochure 2022

Center for Brain & Disease Research Brochure 2022

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Center for Brain & Disease Research Brochure 2022

Welcome to the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research

At the Center for Brain & Disease Research, a hub for research talent, understanding the brain and curing diseases is a top priority. The research covers a wide range of topics from neuronal development to neurodegeneration, from health to disease. The diverse research teams explore mechanisms of pain research, neurodegenerative diseases, protein aggregation, disease mechanisms, and develop new methods, models, and research tools.

Our experts are dedicated to pushing research forward to make an impact for patients and society. The center believes in collaboration and inclusivity, providing excellent facilities and opportunities for training and professional development. Despite challenges faced in recent years, the focus remains on fostering a supportive environment for both research and researchers.

Located at KU Leuven, one of Europe's leading universities, the Center is a hotbed for original ideas and innovation. The biotech ecosystem created by the center has seen the establishment of new startups and significant investments, showcasing the power of strong basic science in driving discovery and progress.

Five Common Themes Span Our Research Questions

The Center's research is unified by five common themes: Neuronal and Neurodegenerative Disease, Synapses, Connections, and Behavior, Brain Development and Repair, Toxic Protein Assemblies, and The Brain at Single Cell Resolution. Each theme delves deep into understanding different aspects of brain function, disease mechanisms, and potential therapeutic avenues.

Meet Our Group Leaders

The Center hosts more than a dozen research teams led by experts in various fields such as computational biology, neurodegenerative disorders, membrane trafficking, synapse biology, ion channel research, and more. Each group leader focuses on a specific aspect of brain research, contributing to the overall mission of understanding the brain and curing diseases.

Center for Brain & Disease Research Brochure 2022 - Flipbook by Fleepit

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