PGM Foundation Brochure

PGM Foundation Brochure

Prix simple. Outils puissants. Annulation à tout moment.

Summary of PGM Foundation Brochure

Founders' Vision

In the initial vision of PGM Foundation, the founders aimed to use marathons as a means to raise funds for selected charities and eventually expand to support other events for charity purposes. The organization's ethos is grounded in the community spirit of 'Botho', seeking to foster healthier communities by promoting healthy living and physical activity, especially among children.

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Sports Development Initiatives

PGM Foundation focuses on sports development in Botswana, particularly targeting obesity in children. The organization supports various sporting codes such as running and tennis, providing logistical and security solutions for events while adhering to high health and safety standards. The Diacore Marathon, one of their flagship events, has grown significantly and serves as a platform for local talent development.

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Junior Tennis Tournament

The PGM tennis tournament, established in 2018, aims to promote and develop tennis among youth in Botswana with the goal of nurturing talent for international competition. This annual event provides a platform for young players to enhance their skills and potentially compete in prestigious tournaments in the future.

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