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In this section, we explore the vocal music of the Maguindanao tribe, highlighting its formal and informal song genres, musical characteristics, and important song genres such as epic chants, Islamic religious chants, long narratives, and extended secular songs. The Maguindanao vocal music is known for its high-pitched melismatic style of singing, improvisatory nature, and diverse song genres.
This part delves into the unique bamboo instruments of Mindanao, including the suling, palendag, kubing, tagutok, and sludoy/togo. Each instrument is described in detail, outlining its construction, playing technique, and cultural significance. Readers can learn about the classification of these instruments as wind, string, or percussion instruments.
Discover the rich artistic heritage of the SoCCSKSarGen region, home to diverse tribes such as the B'laan, T'boli, Teduray, Manobo, and Maguindanao. The arts and crafts of these tribes, including brass works, beadwork, tabih weave, and the sacred cloth T'nalak, are highlighted. Additionally, the Maitum anthropomorphic burial jars found in Sarangani Province are discussed, shedding light on the region's archaeological treasures.