Man's World Issue 6

Man's World Issue 6

Prix simple. Outils puissants. Annulation à tout moment.

Summary of Man's World Issue 6

Return to the Golden Age of Men's Magazines

In this annual edition of Man's World, the Raw Egg Nationalist presents a collection of the best materials from the year's issues, including exclusive new articles, games, trivia, and more, with contributions from writers like Bronze Age Pervert and Zero HP Lovecraft.

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Editor's Note by Raw Egg Nationalist

The editor expresses his excitement for the latest issue, reflecting on the success of the previous one and the contributions from various writers. The magazine features a profile of film's early action hero Francis Bushman, legal fellowships information, an interview with Mark Eglinton, meditations by different authors, a defence of the Alamo, columns on art, fiction, profiles of explorers, motoring section, recipes, and more.

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Opportunity for Writers

The editor invites new contributors to pitch ideas for articles or features, with a readership of over 150k. The magazine accepts articles of varying lengths and encourages creativity and diversity in content. Interested writers can reach out via Twitter or email.

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