gazetka nr 9 - marzec 2022

gazetka nr 9 - marzec 2022

Prix simple. Outils puissants. Annulation à tout moment.

Summary of gazetka nr 9 - marzec 2022 SP 210

Superheroes and Their Real Life - Spring is a Woman

The arrival of spring is associated with nature awakening, birds chirping, flowers blooming, and the sun shining. The newsletter features interviews with Jan Kwiatkowski and a special section on student government activities.

Special Section: Ukraine

There is a special section dedicated to Ukraine, recommending Ukrainian poetry and prose. Additionally, the newsletter includes a calendar highlighting birthdays in March and various international days celebrated throughout the month.

Corner for Animal Lovers

The newsletter includes a section showcasing the pets of students, such as Marty Ruszkowska's dog Roka and Nikola Marzęcka's dog Psikus. It emphasizes the importance of happiness and fighting against evil, symbolized by drowning Marzanna and packing belongings in unconventional ways.

First Day of Spring - Photo Report

The first day of spring is celebrated with a photo report capturing the essence of bidding farewell to winter's worries and welcoming joy, humor, and hope. The newsletter concludes with various galleries showcasing digital content.

gazetka nr 9 - marzec 2022 - Flipbook by Fleepit

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