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Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur Internship Advertisement

Purpose and Objectives

The Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur is offering Internship opportunities to fresh Graduates/Post Graduates/Diploma holders to provide them with exposure and career development in various administrative and technical departments. The purpose of these Internships is to promote the development of fresh pass-outs and enhance their skills in different areas. The scheme aims to associate young academic talent with IITJ for mutual benefit, improve technical and managerial skills, provide real-life problem exposure, create stimulating workplaces, and enrich the interns' knowledge and experience about government functioning and regulations.

Area and Specialization

The Internship positions are available for Administrative and Technical roles with a duration ranging from six months to two years. The essential qualifications include a minimum of 60% marks in the relevant field for both Administrative and Technical Interns. The interns will be responsible for various tasks such as office work related to Human Resource, Accounts, Purchase, Students Affairs & Academics for Administrative Interns, and handling day-to-day activities in different departments for Technical Interns. The selection process involves a written test, skill test, and interview, with a stipend ranging from Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 35,000 per month. The age limit for applicants is 27 years, and they are entitled to 8 days of Casual Leave per completed year.

General Instructions and Domains/Areas for Internship

Interested candidates must be Indian citizens and fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement to apply for the Internship positions. The application process requires submitting the prescribed form and relevant documents in a single PDF via email before the deadline. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The Institute reserves the right to modify eligibility conditions, age criteria, and selection processes as needed. The Internship certificate will be issued for durations exceeding six months, and the interns will have access to necessary facilities for carrying out their responsibilities. The final authority for decisions related to the Internship Scheme rests with the Director of IITJ.

The available domains for Internship include Administration/Human Resource, Accounts, Academics, Store & Purchase, Student Affairs, Infrastructure Management, Civil & Electrical Works, Biosciences & Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, and various other fields such as Computer Science, Humanities, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, and Artificial Intelligence.

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