BD5 Brotherhood Meeting 1st Dec 2024

Our Vision Statement

Our Vision Statement

Without GOD man can do nothing. Without man GOD will do nothing. What happens on earth happens through you and me. Prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference. (Dr Myles Monroe) Dare to be Different Bethel District 5 Brotherhood Meeting Sunday 1st December 2024 (5pm) Topic “The Development & Sustainability of the Church of Jesus Christ“ Acts 2:40 - 47, Matt. 12:46-50 & Mal. 2:14-15 Fee £7 Dare to be Different Venue: (Mount Horeb, Tipton) (Address_Mount Horeb Tipton, 3 Regent St, Princes End, Tipton DY4 9HH ) Bethel District 5 The S.A.S say, he who dares wins. The Christian says, he who prays wins. (Elder G. Peterkin) 8 District Bishop: Bishop Andrew Landell District Overseer: Overseer Bancroft Campbell Host Pastor: Bishop A. Landell District President: Minister Sydney Campbell District Administrator: Minister Mumtaz Gulab 1

Our Vision Statement

Topic Preamble

The Church of Jesus Christ was in its infancy, the Lord had ascended to heaven after his crucifixion, resurrection and period of time (40 days) spent consolidating his work here on Earth. The Holy Ghost had fallen upon the 120 (ten days later) in the upper room and an additional 3,000 had been added to their number (on the day of Pentecost). But now the challenge for sustained growth came, how would they achieve this? Who would this fall upon? What part would each person play? Save yourself from this untoward generation was the cry from the apostle Peter. Thus pointing to the fact that this world was and still is trying to draw us away from Christ. Thus a new model for keeping separate was needed and that was laid out in four steps:1. Apostles' doctrine 2. Fellowship, 3. Breaking of bread, 4. Prayers. These four areas of work / ministry were to help to solidify the saints in Christ and make it easier for them to maintain a holy lifestyle in the midst of an untoward generation. The Apostles doctrine was the teachings of the apostles that Jesus was God, that baptism was in the name of Jesus Christ, that the believer was to received the Holy Ghost (evidenced by speaking with tongues as the Spirit gave utterance) among other things. 2 Prayer Questions 1. Individual prayer is important (and we have the example of Daniel who prayed 3 times a day). But corporate prayer is vital as well. Why are both important? Dan 2:16-19. 2. Why is being steadfast in prayer difficult? And what could we (as the Church) do to improve this? 3. Have we / should we have a district meeting where we come together in person for prayer? (As prayer is vitally important). And not only on zoom or in small groups. What are the pros and cons? Fellowship Questions 1. If fellowship is so important, why do some go home to their own family units instead of meeting together with saints for fellowship meals on a Sunday? 2. How do we excuse this even when our own families may not be saved or walking with Christ? 7

Topic Preamble

Breaking of Bread Questions

1. ‘House to house’, tells us that they moved around so that everyone felt valued. Do our smaller assemblies feel valued, appreciated? If not why? 2. Does my natural family trump my Spiritual family if we have not agreed ( Amos 3:3 ) to walk the same Godly path? [Remembering we still have family obligations and commitments.]. 6 Fellowship – was the meeting together of the saints (the Church) which was not to be forsaken and was to be regular. Fellowship for some could no longer be in the Synagogue as that was when they were Jewish followers, but now as followers of Christ the Synagogue was no longer home to them and so they met in small groups from house to house. Breaking of Bread – was the eating together of the people of God with those who were like minded in faith, this also was to be a regular occurrence. This replaced the Old Testament Fellowship meals that would take place after a sacrifice at the temple. Finally Prayers; prayer was and still is to be the oxygen of the people of God. It is meant to be a personal and a corporate activity. It is a life line to God but is not one of the glamour ministry gifts. It is though, essential if we are to stay the course. As we look at the Church today, have we drifted from these principles? If so how and where? Are these old principles still relevant for today? Is what we’re currently doing gaining better or worse results? Do we need to go back to basics or continue with what we’re doing? 3

Breaking of Bread Questions

Order of Service

• • • • • • • • • • • • Apostles' doctrine Sunday School Questions 1. Summarize the Apostles doctrine. Prayer and Consecration Praise and Worship Welcome from the Host Pastor Song of Celebration Scripture Reading Song for Prayer Praise & Worship Questions on Topic Greetings from Presidents Song for the Offering District Choir Ministry of the Word Altar Call and Closing Prayer Hebrews 6: 1Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, 2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 4 5 2.Have we (and if so where) moved away from the Apostle’s Doctrine? 3. Daily going to church (the temple) was part of the early church’s practice. We since Covid are cutting down our attendances (in person) is this hurting or helping us?

Order of Service

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