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Total No. of Questions: 6

Total No. of Printed Pages:3 Enrollment No...................................... Faculty of Engineering End Sem (Odd) Examination Dec-2018 EN3HS04 Fundamentals of Management, Economics & Accountancy Programme: B.Tech. Duration: 3 Hrs. Branch/Specialisation: All Maximum Marks: 60 Note: All questions are compulsory. Internal choices, if any, are indicated. Answers of Q.1 (MCQs) should be written in full instead of only a, b, c or d. Q.1 i. ii. iii. iv. v. When we classify managers according to their level in the organization 1 they are described as__________ (a) Functional, staff and line managers (b) Top managers, middle managers and supervisor (c) High level, middle level. Lower level managers (d) General and administrative managers ____________ is the process of using the resources and personnel of an 1 organization in an orderly way to achieve the objectives and long-term goals of the organization. (a) Planning (b) Organizing (c) Leading (d) Coordinating Marketing is s process which aims at_________. 1 (a) Production (b) Profit making (c) Satisfaction of customer needs (d) Selling products HRM is ____________. 1 (a) A staff functions (b) A line function (c) An accounting function (d) All of these The horizontal demand curve parallel to x-axis implies that the elasticity 1 on demand is ____________. (a) Zero (b) Infinite (c) Equal to 1 (d) Greater than zero but less than infinity P.T.O.

Total No. of Questions: 6


vi. Microeconomics deals with the (a) Allocation of resources between production of different goods and services (b) Determination of prices of goods and services (c) Behaviour of industrial decision makers (d) All of these vii. Which account is not a liability account? (a) Account payable (b) Accrued expenses (c) Cash (d) Notes payable viii. The long term assets that have no physical existence but are rights that have value is known as (a) Current assets (b) Fixed assets (c) Investments (d) Intangible assets ix. Financial Management is mainly concerned with ______________. (a) All aspects of acquiring and utilizing financial resources for firms activities (b) Arrangement of fund (c) Efficient management of business (d) Profit maximization x. The long run objectives of financial management is to (a) Maximize the value of the firm’s common stock (b) Maximize return on investment (c) Maximize market share (d) Maximize earning per share [3] 1 1 3 7 7 Q.5 i. ii. OR iii. What is double entry system? Explain break even analysis and its application in the business. Explain different types of costs. 4 6 6 Attempt any two: Explain modern approaches to financial management. What are the goals of financial management. What is financial management? Explain profit maximization and wealth maximization in detail. 5 5 5 i. ii. iii. 1 ****** 1 2 3 5 OR iv. Explain “Management is both art and science”. Explain the levels of management. Write any five necessary managerial skills and competencies required for successful management. Explain decision making process in detail. Q.3 i. ii. OR iii. Explain holistic marketing concept. Explain marketing environment in detail. Explain marketing mix. 2 8 8 Q.2 i. ii. iii. Write three differences between micro and macroeconomics. Explain price elasticity of demand in details. Explain meaning and phases of business cycle. Q.6 1 Q.4 i. ii. OR iii. 5


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EN3HS04 Fundamentals of Management, Economics & Accountancy Q.1 i. When we classify managers according to their level in the organization they are described as__________ (b) Top managers, middle managers and supervisor (c) High level, middle level. Lower level managers ii. ____________ is the process of using the resources and personnel of an organization in an orderly way to achieve the objectives and long-term goals of the organization. (d) Coordinating iii. Marketing is s process which aims at_________. (c) Satisfaction of customer needs iv. HRM is ____________. (a) A staff functions v. The horizontal demand curve parallel to x-axis implies that the elasticity on demand is ____________. (b) Infinite vi. Microeconomics deals with the (d) All of these vii. Which account is not a liability account? (c) Cash viii. The long term assets that have no physical existence but are rights that have value is known as (d) Intangible assets ix. Financial Management is mainly concerned with ______________. (a) All aspects of acquiring and utilizing financial resources for firms activities x. The long run objectives of financial management is to (a) Maximize the value of the firm’s common stock OR iv. ii. iii. “Management is both art and science”. Art Science Levels of management. Each level of management 1 mark Any five managerial skills and competencies (1 mark *5) 5 1 Q.3 i. ii. 1 OR iii. Q.4 i. 1 ii. 1 OR iii. 1 1 Q.5 i. 1 ii. 1 OR iii. 1 Q.6 1 i. ii. iii. Q.2 i. 1 mark for each skill Decision making process Explanation with examples 2 1 mark 1 mark 3 (1 mark *3) 5 Holistic marketing concept in 20 words Marketing environment Eight points 1 mark for each Marketing mix At least four marketing mix 2 marks each Three differences b/w micro and macroeconomics. 1 mark for each difference Meaning of price elasticity of demand Types of elasticity Meaning of business cycle Phases of business cycle explanation + example Meaning double entry system Example Meaning of Break even analysis Its application (Explanation +Example) Six types of costs. 1 mark for each Attempt any two: Modern approaches to financial management. Proportionately at least three approaches Goals of financial management. At least 5 goals 1 mark for each gaol Meaning of financial management Profit maximization Wealth maximization ****** 2 8 (1 mark *8) 8 (2 marks *4) 3 (1 mark *3) 2 marks 5 marks 2 marks 5 marks 2 marks 2 marks 2 marks 4 marks 7 7 4 6 6 (1 mark *6) 5 5 (1 mark *5) 1 mark 2 marks 2 marks 5

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Total No. of Questions: 6

Total No. of Printed Pages:3 Enrollment No...................................... Faculty of Engineering End Sem (Odd) Examination Dec-2019 EN3HS04 Fundamentals of Management, Economics & Accountancy Programme: B.Tech. Duration: 3 Hrs. Branch/Specialisation: CS/EE/EX/IT Maximum Marks: 60 Note: All questions are compulsory. Internal choices, if any, are indicated. Answers of Q.1 (MCQs) should be written in full instead of only a, b, c or d. Q.1 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Management ensures.................. 1 (a) Productivity (b) Survival and Growth (c) Efficiency (d) All of these Interpersonal role include .............. (a) Figurehead Role (b) Monitor’s Role (c) Disseminator Role (d) Negotiator Role .............. is not a type of Marketing Concept. 1 (a) Production Concept (b) Societal Marketing Concept (c) Supplier Concept (d) Selling Concept Human resource management is normally ________ in nature. 1 (a) Proactive (b) Reactive (c) Combative (d) None of these The low point in the business cycle is referred to as the............. 1 (a) Expansion (b) Peak (c) Contraction (d) Trough The price elasticity of demand measures....... 1 (a) Slope of a budget curve (b) How often the price of a good changes (c) Measures the sensitivity of the quantity demanded to change in the price (d) How sensitive the quantity demanded is to changes in demand Which of the following is a Real A/c? 1 (a) Building A/c (b) Capital A/c (c) Shyam A/c (d) Rent A/c P.T.O.

Total No. of Questions: 6


[2] viii. ix. x. Q.2 OR i. ii. iii. iv. Irrelevant cost is…………. Cost. (a) Sunk (b) Replacement (c) Opportunity (d) Variable The only viable goal of financial management is............. (a) Profit Maximization (b) Wealth Maximization (c) Sales Maximization (d) Assets Maximization Capital Budgeting is a part of: (a) Investment Decisions (b) Working Capital Management (c) Marketing Decisions (d) Capital Structure 1 Define management? Explain any three function of management? Difference between management and administration? Explain the cross-cultural issues in management and challenges? 2 3 5 5 1 1 OR iii. Q.6 i. ii. iii. Q.3 i. ii. OR iii. Q.4 i. ii. OR iii. Q.5 i. ii. Define marketing? Critically describe the impact of globalization on human resource management? Why it is necessary for the marketer to scan the marketing environment? Discuss the various micro and macro environmental factors. 2 8 Define national income? Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility with suitable examples and diagram? What do you understand by price elasticity of demand? Explain the degrees of price elasticity of demand. 2 8 Briefly explain any two concepts of accounting? Prepare Trading A/c, Profit and Loss A/c and Balance Sheet as on March 31st 2019 from the following details: Rs. Rs. Creditors 19000 Salary 2500 Building 15000 Sundry Debtors 9500 Cash at Bank 16200 Rent 850 2 8 Rs. Rs. 3000 Sundry expenses 1990 Furniture Purchase 157000 Opening stock 27350 Wages 10000 Capital 47390 Sales 185000 Bills payable 10000 Motor 12500 Adjustments: Closing stock valued at Rs. 15000. What do you mean by cost accounting? Explain the methods and techniques of costing. Attempt any two: Examine the factors determining the dividend policy of a company? Briefly discuss the concept of profit maximization and wealth maximization in financial management? Critically examine the various methods of evaluation of investment proposal? Any five. ****** 8 8 8 5 5 5


Marking Scheme

EN3HS04 Fundamentals of Management, Economics & Accountancy OR iii. Scan the marketing environment Micro and macro environmental factors. Management ensures.................. (d) All of these ii. Interpersonal role include .............. (a) Figurehead Role iii. .............. is not a type of Marketing Concept. (c) Supplier Concept iv. Human resource management is normally ________ in nature. (a) Proactive v. The low point in the business cycle is referred to as the............. (d) Trough vi. The price elasticity of demand measures....... (c) Measures the sensitivity of the quantity demanded to change in the price vii. Which of the following is a Real A/c? (a) Building A/c viii. Irrelevant cost is…………. Cost. (a) Sunk ix. The only viable goal of financial management is............. (b) Wealth Maximization x. Capital Budgeting is a part of: (a) Investment Decisions 1 Q.4 i. ii. Definition of national income Law of diminishing marginal utility Examples Diagram Price elasticity of demand Degrees of price elasticity of demand 1.5 marks for each degree (1.5 marks * 4) i. ii. 2 3 Q.1 Q.2 i. iii. OR iv. Q.3 i. ii. Definition of management Any three function of management 1 mark for each (1 mark * 3) Difference between management and administration 1 mark for each difference (1 mark * 5) Cross-cultural issues in management 0.5 mark for each issue (0.5 mark * 5) 2.5 marks Challenges 0.5 mark for each challenge (0.5 mark * 5) 2.5 marks Definition of marketing Impact of globalization on human resource management 1 mark for each impact (1 mark * 8) 1 OR iii. 1 1 Q.5 1 1 i. ii. OR iii. 1 1 1 5 5 2 8 Q.6 i. ii. iii. 4 marks 4 marks 4 marks 2 marks 2 marks 2 marks 2 8 8 6 marks Any two concepts of accounting 1 mark for each concept (1 mark * 2) Prepare Trading A/c, Profit and Loss A/c and Balance 0.5 mark for each entry (0.5 mark * 16) Meaning of cost accounting 2 marks Methods of costing 1 mark for each method (1 mark * 3) 3 marks Techniques of costing. 1 mark for each technique (1 mark * 3) 3 marks Attempt any two: Factors determining the dividend policy of a company 1 mark for each factor (1 mark * 5) Concept of profit maximization 2.5 marks Concept of wealth maximization 2.5 marks Any five methods of evaluation of investment proposal 1 mark for each methods (1 mark * 5) ****** 8 2 8 8 5 5 5

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