Computer stamps catalog - tome 1

John F. KENNEDY (1963)

« Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all » I

John F. KENNEDY (1963)

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale

DOBRESCU, DAN N. Computer stamps catalog Dan N. DOBRESCU, - Botoșani, AXA, 2020 Bibliogr. Index ISBN 978 - 973 - 660 - 425 - 6 978 - 973 - 660 - 426 - 3 (tome I) Cover Make-up Translation Checking english version Publishing house Manager Ioan DANILIUC, MD László KÁLLAI Dan N. DOBRESCU Dana - Ileana WILLIAMS, MD AXA, Botoșani, Romania Coriolan CHIRICHEȘ © Dan N. DOBRESCU - Computer stamps catalog All right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the author.

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale

---------------------------------------- Preface ------------------------------- Abbreviations

The catalog contains a story about the history of calculating tools and devices, the evolution of computers from the hand to the first calculating device, computer applications, computer industry and the implications of the computer technology in our lives, the information technology speeds up our society. This catalog has been created to help all collectors of Computer stamps. The catalog is structured on two levels: by country and by subjects. Prices are indicated in €. Classification: The classification by country from A to Z is starting with: 1st - the name of the country, 2nd - the year and the name of each stamp issue, 3rd - the catalog number in the present edition and the price, 4th - the face value and the subject of the stamp, 5th - the Scott and respectively, the Michel catalogues numbers. On the right or left, or up or bottom is the photo of a stamp. The classification by subjects - categories is starting with scientific informations and data concerning the year of issue, the country and the present catalog number (Cat. No.). Reproduction of the stamps is making made at a different scale. The author Abbreviations: CAD CD COB CVP FDC FO f.p. GPS IC ILO ILR ISY IT ITU Computer Aided Design Compact Disks Belgium catalog Computer Vended Postage First Day Cover Optical fibre cable Fan Price Global Positioning System Integrated Circuit International Labour Organisation International Letter Rate International Space Year Information Technology International Telecommunication Union LCD Liquid Crystal Display MIC Magnetic Ink Characters m/s Mini (small) sheet NFC Near Field Communication NC Numerical Control PC Personal Computer PDA Personal Digital Assistants P-stamp Personalized Stamp POS Point of sale s-a Self-adhesive s/s Souvenir sheet VDT Video Display Terminal WCD World Communication Day WCY World Communication Year WMD World Meteorological Day WMO World Meteorological Organization WPD World Post Day WSE World Stamp Expo WSIS World Summit on the Information Society WWW World Wide Web YDAC Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations Yv Yvert catalog European Championship for Thematic Philately ­ ECTP 2007, Essen, May 5. The author together with three of the collectors of the computer topics: Johann VANDENHAUTE (Belgium), Giancarlo MOROLLI (Italy), Menachem LADOR (Israel). 3

---------------------------------------- Preface ------------------------------- Abbreviations

---------------------- Catalog by country A ---------------------- Catalog by country A

ALBANIA AFARS & ISSAS, French Territory of the 1977, June 6 - Famous inventors 1969, May 2 - Leonardo da Vinci ALB 01 €4.50 25 q Portrait 1218 AFI 01 €5.50 55 F Edison C104 169 1346 AFGANISTAN 1973, Oct. 16 - Red Halfmoon Soc. AFG 01 €1.20 10 af Perforated tape 889 1145 1974, Nov. 29 - Liberation, science ALB 02 €3.00 1 L Punch tape 1630 1745 1978, June 1 - Intl. children day ALB 03 €3.80 1.80 L Abacus 1852 1983, May 17 - WCY AFG 02 €0.80 4 af Teletype 1028 1963 1291 AITUTAKI 1987, Apr. 20 - The great people ALB 04 €1.80 80 q Galileo Galilei 1983, Sept. 29 - WCY AI 01 €1.50 60 c Punch tape 313 497A 4 2331 1992, Apr. 25 - Albanian admission to CEPT ALB 05 €1.70 1.20 L Magnetic tape 2405a 2496 AI01 drawing €350.00 Final drawing, artist F. Llamosas AI 02 sheet €4.50 314a B44 2243 1996, Aug. 1 - GSM network ALB 06 €1.60 60 L LCD screen 2510 1996, Sept. 20 - Anniversary ALB 07 €2.10 10 L Leibniz 2515 2594 2599 2001, Oct. 6 - YDAC ALB 08 €4.50 45 L, 50 L, 120 L Keyboard 2662-4 2839-41 2011, Feb. 18 - 90th anniv. of the State Library ALB 09 €20.00 sheetlet €80.00 1000 L Man at laptop 3330

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---------------------- Catalog by country A ---------------------- Catalog by country A

2017, Dec. 28 - European Data Protection Day ALB 10 €80.00 2500 L Barcode 3575 sheetlet (3x3) €720.00 ALG 06 €12.00 5 D Computer, URL 1173-4 1269-88 2000, Feb. 16 - Expo Hanover ALG 07 €0.60 5 D Computer graphics 1179 1293 ALGERIA 1965, Jan. 1 / Feb. 28 / June 20 - Automation ALG 01 €5.00 12 C, 15 C, 45 C Control center 321-2, 330 418-9, 423 2001, Oct. 9 - YDAC ALG 08 €0.50 5 D Keyboard 1232 1346 2003, Apr. 23 - Vandal tablets 1969,June 2 - Automation, overprint ALG 02 €0.50 20 C on 12 C Control center 424 527 1991, Oct. 12 - Telecom ‘91 ALG 03 €1.90 1,50 D LED 943 1048 1992, Oct. 10 - Post office modernization ALG 04 €0.40 1,50 D PC, ATM 965 1071 1996, Apr. 16 - Youth, science education ALG 05 €3.80 5 D VDT 1066 1153 2000, Jan. 19 - Millennium ALG 09 €2.60 10 D Slave sale document 24 D Tablet for calculations 1277-8 1392-3 2005, July 27 - WSIS ALG 10 €0.70 15 D IT 1349 1467 2007, July 5- Independence & youth day, 40th anniv., block ALG 11 €0.90 20 D Computer & IT 1407 B11 2008, May 1 - Children & new technology ALG 12 €0.60 15 D Computer & IT 1557 5

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---------------------- Catalog by country A ---------------------- Catalog by country A

2009, May 17 - WCD ALG 13 €0.60 15 D Binary code, e-mail 1465 1595 2001, July 7 - Jazz festival AN 03 €1.20 0.46 € Robot 540 2011, May 18 - Telecentres ALG 14 €0.40 15 D PC, @-symbol ANDORA, SPANISH ADMIN. 1661 2017, Jan. 15 - Modernization of justice ALG 15 €1.00 25 D Binary code, www 1841 571 1997, Sept. 30- UNESCO ANS 01 €0.50 32 p PC 245 254 ANGOLA 2017, Aug. 6 - The dangers of the Internet ALG 16 €2.00 25 D Internet, laptop, iPAD 1869 2000, Dec. 7 - National Radio, 25th anniv. 2019, Mar. 8 - Centenary of International Labor Organization ANG 01-02 €6.00 9.50 Kz Woman at PC 1180a,b 1627-8 9.50 Kz Tape cassette ALG 17I €8.00 (“Lobor” instead of “Labor” ALG 17II €2.00 (it is correctly writen “Labor”) 25 D Laptop 1931I, 1931II ANDORA, FRENCH ADMIN. ANG 03 sheet €4.20 20 Kz Tape cassette 1988, May 2 - Europe CEPT 1182 1630 (B91) 2000, Dec. 7 - National Television, 25th anniv. AN 01 €6.00 3.60 F Touch screen terminal 364 391 2000, Oct. 6 - Expo Hanover AN 02 €1.00 3 F Printed circuit 527 6 557 ANG 04-05 €6.00 9.50 Kz PC 9.50 Kz Tape cassette 1181a,b 1631-2

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ANGUILLA ANG 06 sheet €4.20 20 Kz Tape cassette 1183 1634 (B92) 1986, Mar. 24 - Halley’s comet ANU 01 €0.40 10 c Space robot 670 2001, Oct. 9 - YDAC ANU 02 €1.50 90 c Keyboard 1059 688 1093 2001, May 25 - Day of Africa ANG 07 €6.00 30 Kz PC 1186-7 2005, Nov. 14 - WSIS ANG 08 €20.00 45 Kz PC 1637 (B93) 2004, Nov. 8 - Development of the telephone ANU 03 €6.55 $1.50 LCD screen 1125 1162 ANTIGUA & BARBUDA 1759 1989, Nov. 2 - Disney philately ANT 01 €5.00 $4 Magnetic tape, paper printer, microchip 1244 1279 Stamps on stamps, bottom-right, 1980 Japan J 05 ANG 08 sheet €20.00 45 + 45 Kz PC 2012, May 17 - WTD and ISD B114 1992, Oct. 19 - Inventors and pioneers ANT 02 €5.00 $5 Galileo Galilei 1606 1674 ANT 02 sheet €10.00 $6 Edison ANG 09-10 €6.00 100 Kz Laptop, LCD screen 100 Kz FO 1868-9 1607 B240 1998, Nov. 10 - Famous peoples of 20th century, sheet 2013, Apr. 4 - WCD ANG 11 €2.00 100 Kz LCD screen 1874 ANT 03 €5.00 $6 Shockley, inventor of transistor 2183 2808 (B405) 7

---------------------- Catalog by country A ---------------------- Catalog by country A

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