Handbook Melisa Cortes





General Information

Promete English Program School: Emiliano Zapata T.V Address : Course name: English Course. Group: 4 Grade Group A. Schedule:Monday,Wednesday and Friday. Hours per week:3 hours per week. Language Level: A1. Course Overview This is an English course aimed to 4th grade pre-school students. The content of the course is mainly oriented to get students familiarized with English as a foreign language and to develop very basic social communication skills. .The purpose of the course is to develop and improve English as a foreign language in students between 9 to 10 years old with an English level A1-A2. Ss‘Profile A group of 24 students,ages between 9 to 10 years old,with some learning barriers in writing and reading,but they are really interested in the class so whenever they had doubts about something ,they asked the teacher.Some students are very participative,but they are like five,that require more attention to complete the activities and be paying attention to the class,however,the rest of the classroom sees to work well.The classroom counts with a projector and a white board.The classroom possesses an English level A1 probably A2.

General Information

Course Goals / objectives

At the end of the course the students will be able to ask simple questions and describe people.Describe simple cleaning tasks and understand the importance of keeping things tidy. Describe monsters and people. The course objective is that the learners improve their English skills (Writing,Reading,Listening and Speaking. Methodology Every lesson has 5 stages.The 1st stage is a warm-up activity that last 5 to 10 minutes.This activity is in the form of a game,dynamic,ludic and fun way aimed at preparing students for the class. The second stage last 10 minutes.This activity consist of the presentation of the new language students will be exposed to under the PPP methodology frame. The third stage last 10 minutes.This activity consist of the practice of the language learnt. The forth stage last 10 minutes.This activity consist of the production part under the PPP method where students will produce the language learnt. The fifth stage is the wrap-up activity that last 5 to 10 minutes.This activity is in the form of a stretching routine aimed at relaxing the students mind.

Course Goals / objectives




Universidad de Colima Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras Práctica de la Enseñanza I Long Term Plan & Calendar Course Objective: By the end of this course, students will be able to engage in conversations about identifying people, discussing personal responsibilities like cleaning up after themselves, describing both real and imaginative figures, expressing their needs for school-related items, and discussing weather patterns across different months and seasons. Lesson Number Date WEDNESDAY 40 min septiembre 18, 2024 Unit number Unit Objctive Lesson Objective Dimension At the end of the lesson, students will be able to distinguish on worksheets and flascards the questions forms about names using the phrases "What's his/her name?" D2 and the possesive adjecives "His/her name's..." while this help them to focus on practicing correct rythm and intonation in simple sentences. Dimension 3 D3 1 D3 Activity objective Objective 1: The students will be able to recognize in listening on an audio the target vocabulary ("Her/his", question forms) including its correct pronunciation and intonation. Content Material Informal Assessment: The students can recognize with an audio the basic questions form (what is..) Possesive adjetives (His/her ) The basic questions form (what is..) Possesive adjetives (His/her ) Audio Objective 2: The students will be able to classify in speaking on flashcards the target vocabulary ("Her/his", question forms) including its correct pronunciation and meaning. Objective 3: The students will be able to classify in writing on a worksheet the target vocabulary ("Her/his", question forms) including its correct spelling and meaning. The correct pronunciation and intonation of the questions and possesive adjetives Flascards The correct grammar structure of the questions to introduce themselves and the structure of the answer focused on their correct pronunciation. WEEK 1 Worksheet FRIDAY 50 min septiembre 20, 2024 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to differentiate on flascards and worksheets a sequence and recite the days of the week (Monday, Thursday, D2 Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) using simple sentences and understand their application in the daily life through activities that will help them to reinforce and correct the grammar, rhythm and intonation. Dimension 3 D2 2 D2 To demonstrate the vocabulary learnt by asking simple questions about other people and recognize them from basic descriptions and a good use of possesive adjectives, cardinal numbers and the days of the week with a correct intonation and pronunciation. Dimension 4 MONDAY 50 eptiembre 23, 2024 min 3 0 Objetive1: Students will be able to distinguish in speaking on flashcards the target vocabulary of days of the week (Monday, Thrursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday,its Saturday , Sunday) including correct pronunciation. The days of the week (Monday, Thrusdat, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday, Saturday) focused in their correct pronuncation Flascards Objective 2: The student will be able to indicate in speaking on flashcards the target vocabulary of the days of the week (Monday, Thrursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday , Sunday) including its correct pronunciation. Objetive 3: Students will be able to associate in writing on a worksheet the target vocabulary (Monday, Thrusday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday,Saturday, Sunday) including their daily activities and correct spelling. The correct week (Monday, Thrusday,of the pronunciation days of the order and Friday,Satuurday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Sunday) Flascards Simple vocabulary of daily activities (honors to the flag, physical education, class of english, study, say goodbay to the school, play, do homework) and the days of the week (Monday, Thrusday, Wednesday, Tusday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) Worksheet D2 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to implement on games and flascards cardinal numbers 3040-50-60 in conversation, on audios and flascards demonstrating their ability to distinguish between differents numbers an they names in simple sentences also practice speaking and listening skills with an emphasis on correct pronunciation. D3 Dimesion 4. Class Link Objetive 1: Students will be able to distinguish in speaking on flascards the target vocabulary (cardinal numbers 31-45) including its correct pronunciation. The presentation of the new vocabaulary of the cardinal numbers (31-45) focusing in ther repetition and correct spelling. Formative Assessment (Classwork): Students can produce the questions "What's his/her name?" properly (apropiate intonation and pronunciation). Formative Assessment (Classwork): Students can write the questions "What's his/her name?" properly (apropiate spelling and word order). Self-Assessment implenery with the teacher Informal Assessment: The students can distinguish with flashcards the days of the week (Monday, Thrursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday , Sunday). Formative Assessment (Classwork): Students can relate in speaking the activities on with the day of the week using the correct pronunciation of the Formative Assessment (Classwork): Students can associatein listening on a game the target vocabulary (Monday, Thrusday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday, Formative Assessment (Classwork): Students can associatein listening on a game the target vocabulary (Monday, Thrusday, Wednesday, Informal Assessment: The student attend the class and participates. The teacher keeps records of the activity in the spread sheet in Excel. Informal Assessment: The student attend the class and participates. The teacher keeps records of the activity in the spread sheet in Excel. Flascards Objective 2: Students will be able to associate in listening on a memory The grammar form of the sentences of the game the target vocabulary numbers with interactive flashcards tha help (cardinal numbers 31-45) including them to identify them. its correct picture and spelling. Informal assessment: The student associate with a memory game the cardinal nmbers (3145) Memory game



WEDNESDAY eptiembre 25, 2024 50 min 4 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to summarise in writing on flascards the cardinal numbers (31-45) and learn new vocabulary (46-60) about the cardinal number D2 that will allow them describe and communicate in a successful way the exact words of what they want to express. Dimension 3 D2 D3 MONDAY 50 eptiembre 30, 2024 min 5 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice on worksheets their ability to introduce themselves and other people using D2 names, days of the week and cardinal numbers. They will be able to associate and distinguish them in various contexts, and will have a final practice focused in rhythm, and intonation in speaking, listening and D3 writing exercises. Dimension 4 WEEK 2 D3 WEDNESDAY 50 min octubre 2, 2024 6 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to distinguish on flascards and worksheets and name household items such as bowl, cup, fork, glass, knife, plate, saucer, and D2 spoon. They will also learn basic cleaning actions like "pick up," "put away," "wash," and "take out the trash." Students will practice using these vocabulary words in sentences, focusing on correct pronunciation, particularly the "oo" sound as in "spoon." Dimension 3 D2 D3 FRIDAY 50 min octubre 4, 2024 7 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe on flascards and worksheets the location of D2 classroom objects and household items using prepositions such as "in," "on," "under," "behind," "in front of," and "next to." They will practice forming sentences like "There’s a cup on the table" and asking questions like "Is there a D2 glass on the table?" with appropriate responses.Dimension 3 Objetive 3: Student will be able to produce in speaking and writing on an activity in teams the target vocabulary (cardinal numbers 3145) including its correct pronunciation. cardinal numbers 31-45 Sheet of paper Informal Assessment: The students can recognize in listening ith flashcards the cardinal numbers (46-60). Objective 1: Students will be able to recognize in listening on flashcards the target vocabulary (cardinal number 46-60) including its correct meaning. cardinal number 46-60 Objective 2: Students will be able to repeat in speaking on flascards the target vocabulary (cardinal numbers 46-60) including its correct pronunciation. D3 cardinal numbers 46-60 Objetive 3: Students will be able to practice in writing on interactive flashcards the target vocabulary (the cardinal numbers 46-60) including its correct writing. D3 Flascards Flascards a game with interactive flashcards where the child can manipulate on the board, to undestand in a succssful way the correct grammar of the numbers. Flascards Objective 1: The student will be able to apply in writing on a sheet of paper describing a classmate the target vocabulary (possessive adjectives) including its correct spelling. Objective 2: The student will be possessive adjectives able to produce in speaking on a description of a classmate the target vocabulary (possessive adjectives) including its correct pronunciation. Objective 3: The student will be possessive adjectives able to apply in writing and speaking on a worksheet the target vocabulary (Cardinal numbers 30(Possesive 60, Monday, Thrusday, Wednesday, The vocabulary previous learned60, days of the week) intheir adquisition of that allow Tuesday, Friday,Saturday, Sunday) adjetives, Cardinal numbers 30-knowledge them share a interactive game including its correct spelling. Objective 1:The students will be able to distinguish in writing on a worksheet the name of the household items such as (bowl, cup, plate, saucer, and spoon). -Vocabulary of the name of the household items such as (bowl, cup, fork, glass, knife, fork, glass, knife, plate, saucer, and Vocabulary of the basic cleaning actions like spoon.),including the basic cleaning "pick up," "put away," "wash," and "take out the trash. actions like "pick up," "put away," "wash," and "take out the trash. Objective 2:The student will be able to repeat the correct pronunciation in speaking the target language of - Basic cleaning actions like "pick up," "put the basic cleaning actions like "pick away," "wash," and "take out the trash." up," "put away," "wash," and "take (Particularly the "oo" sound as in "spoon"), out the trash."(Particularly the "oo" including the meaning of the actions sound as in "spoon"),including the meaning of the actions. Objective 3:The students will be able to complete in writing in a worksheet the vocabulary ,such as bowl, cup, fork, glass, knife, plate, saucer, and spoon,and the basic cleaning actions,including the correct spelling. Objective 1:The students wil be able to distinguish in writing on a worksheet the location of classroom objects ,including the correct spelling and pronunciation. Informal assessment: The students can produce in speaking and writing on an activity in teams the target vocabulary (cardinal numbers 31-45). Sheet of paper Objective 2:The students will be able to distinguish in writing the - Prepositionsfront of," and"on," "under," "behind," "in such as "in," "next to". prepositions such as "in," "on," "under," "behind," "in front of," and "next to",including the right use of them. Informal Assessment: The students can practice with flashcards the (cardinal numbers 46-60) Informal Assessment: The students can apply in writing in a sheet of paper the (possessive adjectives). Informal Assessment: The students can produce in speaking a description of a classmate using the possessive adjectives. Description of a classmate Formative Assessment: Students can write the target vocabulary (Cardinal numbers 3060, Monday, Thrusday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday,Saturday, Sunday) Formative Assessment: Worksheet The students can distinguish in writing on a worksheet the household items such as ((bowl, cup, fork, glass, knife, plate, saucer, and spoon.) -A worksheet. -Flashcards -Vocabulary ,such as bowl, cup, fork, glass, knife, plate, saucer, and spoon,and the basic -A worksheet. cleaning actions,including the correct spelling. -Vocabulary of the location of classroom objects. Informal Assessment: The students will repeat with flashcards the (cardinal numbers 4660) -A worksheet. Flascards Informal Assessment: The students can repeat with flashcards the basic cleaning actions. Formative Assessment: The students can complete a worksheet writing the vocabulary target such as (bowl, cup, fork, glass, knife, plate, saucer, and spoon, and the basic cleaning actions) Formative Assessment: The students can distinguish with flashcars the location of classroom objects. Informal Assessment: The students can distinguish with flashcards the preposition such as "in," "on," "under," "behind," "in front of," and "next to". This is



1 MONDAY 50 min octubre 7, 2024 8 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe on worksheets daily chores and routines, such as "make the bed," "feed the dog," "water the plants," D2 and "take out the trash." They will To apply in speaking about cleaning practice speaking and listening skills by explaining what they do at home up after themselves using simple to help clean up after themselves, words and sentences. Dimension 3 using correct stress and intonation. Dimension 3 D3 WEEK 3 D3 WEDNESDAY 50 min octubre 9, 2024 9 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice in writing on a worksheet short sentences about D2 cleaning up after themselves, describing what household items they use and where they put them. They will also practice labeling and defining key vocabulary words related to household chores and D3 objects, and comparing different cleaning routines.Dimension 3 Objective 3:The students will be able to practice in writing on a worksheet the target structure by forming sentences like "There’s a cup on the table" and asking questions like "Is there a glass on the table?",including the appropriate responses. Objective 1: The students will be able to repeat in speaking on flashcards the target vocabulary of daily chores and routines such as "make the bed," "feed the dog," "water the plants," and "take out the trash", including their correct pronunciation and meaning. Objective 2: The students will be able to produce in writing on their notebooks the target vocabulary of what their daily chores and routines are, including the correct spelling. Objective 3: The students will be able to apply in speaking and listening on short sentences the target vocabulary of daily chores and routines by explaining what they do at home to help clean up after themselves, including the correct stress and intonation. Objective 1:The students will be able to read and write short sentences about cleaning up after themselves,including the correct spelling. Objective 2:The students will be able to produce in writing on a worksheet describing what household items they use and where they put them,including the correct pronunciation and spelling of them. Objective 3:The students will be able to apply in speaking key vocabulary words related to household chores and objects, including the different cleaning routines. D3 FRIDAY 50 min octubre 11, 2024 10 At the end of the lesson, students will show on a worksheet their ability to use vocabulary related to cleaning up after themselves in a D3 variety of contexts, including the classroom, home, and other settings. They will participate in activities that require them to show, describe, and explain their cleaning routines, predict what should be done next, and examine different scenarios using the vocabulary and language structures they have D3 learned. Dimension 3 D3 MONDAY 50 min octubre 14, 2024 11 D2 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe on flascard and a worksheet basic body parts and features such as claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, and teeth. They will practice using these words D3 in sentences like "It has a tail" and "It doesn’t have horns," focusing on Objective 1:The students will be able to practice in writing on a worksheet the vocabulary related to cleaning up after themselves in a variety of contexts, including the classroom, home, and other settings. Objective 2: The students will be able to describe in writing on the board the target vocabulary (bowl, cup, fork ,glass, knife ,plate, saucer, spoon, dry, feed the dog, make the bed, pick up, put away, take out the trash, wash, water the plants) including the correct spelling and meaning of each word. Objective 3:The students will be able to complete in writing on a worksheet sentences about the target vocabulary using the correct structure (ex. There’s a (cup) (on the table), (Pick up) the (plate).)) including the correct spelling and structure of sentences. Objective 1: Students will be able to distinguish in speaking on flashcards the target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, teeth) including its correct pronunciation. -Form structures like "There’s a cup on the table" and asking questions like "Is there a glass on the table?". Worksheet -Vocabulary of daily"feed the dog," "water as "make the bed," chores and routines such the plants," and "take out the trash". Flascards -The daily chores and routine. - Explain what they do at home to help clean up after themselves. Sheet of paper Short sentences - Short sentences about cleaning up after themselves. Short sentences -Household items. Worksheet -Key vocabulary words related to household chores and objects. Different cleaning routines. - Vocabulary related to cleaning up after themselves in ahome, and contexts, including the classroom, variety of other settings. Description worksheet -Describe activities that require them to show, and summarize their cleaning routines. Markers -Distinguish,including scenarios structures vocabulary different language using the they have learned. target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, teeth) Objective 2: Students will be able to classify in writing on a(claws, fur, the target vocabulary worksheet target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, horns, skin, spots, tail, teeth) spots, tail, teeth) including its correct spelling. Worksheet Flascards Worksheet Formative Assessment: The studenst can practice writing in a worksheet the form structures like "There’s a cup on the table" and asking questions like "Is there a glass on the table?". Informal Assessment: The students can repeat with flashcards the daily chores and routines such as "make the bed," "feed the dog," "water the plants," and "take out the trash". Informal Assessment: The students can produce in a sheet of paper their dwaily chores and routine. Informal Assessment. The students will apply in a sheet of paper what they do at home to help clean up. Informal Assessment. The students can apply in a sheet of paper what they do at home to help clean up. Formative Assessment: The students can produce in writing on a worksheet describing the household items they use and where they put them. Informal Assessment: The students can apply a description related to household chores and objects. Formative Assessment: The students can practice wirting in a worksheet the vocabulary related to cleaning up after themselves in a variety of contexts. Informal Assessment: The students can describe activities that require them to show, and summarize their cleaning routines. Formative Assessment: The students can complete in writing a worksheet sentences about the correct structure (ex. There’s a (cup) (on the table), (Pick up) the (plate). Informal Assessment: The students can distinguish in speaking with flashcards the target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, Formative Assessment: The students can classify in writing on a worksheet the target vocabulary (claws, fur, Prá Enseñ divided organ lessons your lo within Add a the clas and al title so it


correct pronunciation, especially the

"y" sound as in "funny." Dimension 3 D2 octubre 16, 2024 12 WEEK 4 WEDNESDAY 50 min D3 Objective 3: Students will be able to describe in writing on a worksheet the target vocabulary target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, spots, tail, teeth) teeth) including the target structure (It has / It doesn’t have). Objective 1: Students will be able to recognize in reading and speaking on a PowerPoint presentation the target vocabulary (adjectives big, long, short, target vocabulary (adjectives big, and tall) long, short, and tall) including its correct pronunciation. Formative Assessment: The students can describe in writing on a Worksheet worksheet the target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, Informal Assessment: The students can recognize in reading and PowerPoint presentation speaking on a PowerPoint presentation the target vocabulary Objective 2: Students will be able to associate in writing on a worksheet target vocabulary (adjectives big, long, short, the target vocabulary (adjectives and tall) big, long, short, and tall) including its correct spelling. Formal Assessment: The students can associate in writing on a worksheet the target vocabulary (adjectives big, long, At the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe on a worksheet physical characteristics of monsters and people using adjectives such as big, long, short, and tall. They will practice forming D3 questions and answers, like "Does it have claws?" with responses such as "Yes, it does" or "No, it doesn’t," reinforcing speaking and listening skills. Dimension 3 D3 D2 FRIDAY 50 min octubre 18, 2024 13 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to implement on a worksheet the personality traits of monsters and people using adjectives like friendly, funny, D3 grumpy, and scary. They will use these traits in sentences, for example, "Is the monster scary?" and practice responding with "Yes, it is" or "No, it isn’t." Dimension 4 D4 D3 MONDAY 50 min octubre 21, 2024 14 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to demonstrate on a worksheet, numbers 1-10 to describe how many body parts a person or monster has, such as "It has two eyes." They will practice D4 counting and labeling body parts in both speaking and writing activities, enhancing their ability to describe both people and monsters. Dimension 4 D4 D2 WEDNESDAY 50 min octubre 23, 2024 15 At the end of the lesson, students will be able to contrast on a description features between monsters and people, using sentences like "I have pink skin" and D3 "The monster has fur." They will practice identifying and describing differences in a variety of contexts, focusing on clear communication. Objective 3: Students will be able to differentiate in listening on target vocabulary ("Does it have claws?", questions the target vocabulary ("Does it have claws?", "Yes, it does" "Yes, it does" or "No, it doesn’t,”) or "No, it doesn’t,”) including its correct pronunciation. Objective 1: Students will be able to recognize in reading on a PowerPoint presentation the target target vocabulary (adjectives like friendly, vocabulary (adjectives like friendly, funny, grumpy, and scary) funny, grumpy, and scary) including its correct pronunciation. Worksheet Formative Assessment: The students can differentiate in listening Worksheet on questions the target vocabulary ("Does it have claws?", "Yes, it does" or "No, it doesn’ Informal Assessment: The students can recognize in reading on a PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation Objective 2: Students will be able to distinguish in writing on a target vocabulary (adjectives like friendly, worksheet the target vocabulary funny, grumpy, and scary) (adjectives like friendly, funny, grumpy, and scary) including its correct spelling. Worksheet Objective 3: Students will be able to produce in writing in short questions the target vocabulary ("Is the monster scary?") including the target vocabulary ("Is the monster scary?") responses ("Yes, it is" or "No, it isn’ t.") Worksheet Objective 1: Students will be able to describe in writing on a sheet of paper the description of a monster target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, with the target vocabulary (claws, spots, tail, teeth) fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, teeth) including its correct spelling. Objective 2: Students will be able to point out in speaking on a worksheet the target vocabulary target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, spots, tail, teeth) teeth) including its correct number within the picture. Objective 3: Students will be able to produce in speaking on a picture of a monster the target vocabulary target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, spots, tail, teeth) teeth) including using the numbers 1-10. the target vocabulary (adjectives like friendly, funny, grumpy, and Formal Assessment:The students can distinguish in writing on a worksheet the target vocabulary (adjectives like friendly, funny, grumpy, and scary) Formal Assessment:The students can produce in writing in short questions the target vocabulary ("Is the monster scary?") including the responses Informal Assessment: The students can describe in writing on a Sheet of paper Worksheet Picture of a monster Objective 1: Students will be able to review in listening to a description of a monster the target vocabulary target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, spots, tail, teeth) teeth) including its correct meaning. Flascards Objective 2: Students will be able to practice in writing on a sheet of paper the target structure ("I have target structure ("I have pink skin" and "The monster has fur") pink skin" and "The monster has fur") including its correct spelling. Sheet of paper sheet of paper the description of a monster with the target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, Formal Assessment:The students can point out in speaking on a worksheet the target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, teeth) including its correct Informla Assessment: The students can produce in speaking on a picture of a monster the target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, teeth) including Informal Assessment: The students can review in listening to a description of a monster the target vocabulary (claws, fur, horns, skin, spots, tail, teeth) including its correct meaning. Informal Assessment: The students can practice in writing on a sheet of paper the target structure ("I have pink skin" and "The monster has fur") including its correct spelling.

correct pronunciation, especially the

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