Summary of Gungun Bhaktyaapuri

Education and Objective

Gungun Bhaktyaapuri is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. The objective is to contribute to the growth of organizations while creating safe and aesthetically pleasing indoor spaces.

Achievements and Skills

Gungun has received certificates of participation in Bamboo Workshop and achieved 3rd rank in an All India Art Competition. Skills include manual skills such as drafting, rendering, painting, and sketching, as well as personal skills like confidence, responsibility, and communication.

Workshops and Projects

The individual has experience in interior design studio work, working drawings, furniture design, and graphic design. One of the projects involves designing an Animal Healthcare and Training Centre, showcasing a detailed layout for various areas including kennels, training zones, medical facilities, and outdoor spaces.

GUNGUN BHAKTYAAPURI - Flipbook by Fleepit

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