President Droupadi Murmu conferred Padma awards to distinguished honorees across diverse fields, including SM Krishna and Narendra Chandra Debbarma. The awards are given for exemplary work in various fields such as art, social work, public affairs, and science. The awards ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
Chinese Charge d’Affaires Ma Jia stated that the border dispute between India and China is a bilateral issue and foreign interference will not help solve the problems. Both countries aim to resolve the issue with wisdom and do not seek war or confrontation. The Chinese envoy emphasized the importance of mutual trust and diplomatic channels to build understanding and resolve issues.
Union Minister Rameswar Teli highlighted that the Code on Social Security provides social security to all unorganized workers, including domestic workers. Various schemes and initiatives have been launched to ensure life, disability cover, pension, and health benefits for unorganized workers. The government is committed to improving working conditions and providing social security benefits to all categories of workers.