Red Cells, Black Blood, Green Cure



BLACK BLOOD, GREEN TREATMENT Sickle Cell Anemia God’s Natural Remedies, Treatments and Cures “There are over 300 blood disorders, diseases, pathogens, hemoglobinopathies, deficiencies, Abnormalities, Rare Diseases, Genetic Maladies and Conditions relating to and affecting the blood of man.” “It is not coincidence that the very source [blood] is what was required to redeem man and save his life; is the express area in which is under attack to destroy man and end his life.” Keith Lawrence Ph.d Natural Health, Remedies and Nutrition


Copyright 2021

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher or author except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review. Lawrence, Keith: Red Cells, Black Blood, Green Treatment Cover Design: Keith Lawrence Page Layout and Design: Keith Lawrence Copy-editing: Keith Lawrence Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, unless otherwise noted. All emphasis in quotations has been added by the author unless otherwise noted. Spirit of Prophecy Quotations and Statements by Ellen G. White For more information contact: Gems (God’s Emergency Medical Missionary Services) GEMS Natural Health Center Publishing for books and Literature Phone: (314) 610-8077 Email:

Copyright 2021

Notice: The information in this book is true and complete to

the best of the author’s and publisher’s knowledge. This book is intended as an informational reference and does not diagnose, prescribe or claim to cure any diseases. Only God does. Please see your physician, better yet, see the Master Physician first, who forgives all your iniquities and heals all your diseases. ~Psalms 103:3. The author and publisher disclaim all liability in connection with the specific personal use of any and all information provided in this book.

Notice: The information in this book is true and complete to


Sickle Cell Anemia God’s Natural Remedies, Treatments and Cures Keith Lawrence Ph.d Natural Health, Remedies and Nutrition Copyright 2021



Introduction 1. Blood 12 2. 24 3. The Role of Genes in Disease: Are we in bondage to defective Genes? Could our favorite flavorings be damaging our DNA? 4. Under the Influence and DNA discovery 31 26 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Discoverers of DNA’s structure attack Christianity Epigenetics: Big New Changes in Genetics/No More Need for God?! Suggested Classification of Spices Valine rich Spice ad Foods Sumerian Double Helix Snake God Counterfeiting the Truth Ice cream, biscuits, spices Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Damage Induced by Curcumin in Human Hepatoma G2 Cells (Article) 13. How a COVID-19 infection changes blood cells in the long run 14. Rh Blood Types: An Interesting History 33 36 46 47 57 61 62 65 66 67 Green (Natural) Treatments Anemia and Iron Absorption Natural Sources of Iron 72 81 Hematologic differences between African-Americans and whites: the roles of iron deficiency and thalassemia on hemoglobin levels and mean corpuscular volume (Article) The Molecular Path to Shamanism/Watson, Crick and the Double-Helix Deception (Article) 85 Low White Blood Cell Count: Types, Causes + 15 Home Remedies To Increase The WBC Count 89 Natural Remedies for Abnormal Red Blood Cells 97 Liquid chlorophyll virtually identical to human blood in its molecular structure. 114 Medicinal Plants used in the treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia in Western Africa (articles)


Contents Continued

Green Treatments / (note, the author is not endorsing nor recommending the use of Biblical/unclean/ nor any substance that violate the The Creator’s Laws of Natural Health). 129 HERBS WITH HIGH IRON CONTENT WHICH WILL HEAL YOU FROM ANIMIA/SICKLE CELL 142 Herbs that have been naturally designed to boost the healing powers of the body 152 Traditional Herbal Management of Sickle Cell Anemia: Lessons from Nigeria (Article) 154 ALOE VERA 167 CHLOROPHYLL AND HEMOGLOBIN SCIENCE HORROR Covid-19 Vaccine and Your DNA Article 170 175 Resources

Contents Continued

Atoms, Molecules, Cells make Tissues, Tissues make Organs, Organs make Systems, Systems

make the Organism-Man “God’s Law is built into every cell, nerve and fiber. Violation of that law involves consequences, whether willingly, ignorantly or presumptuous.”

Atoms, Molecules, Cells make Tissues, Tissues make Organs, Organs make Systems, Systems

The Origin of the Investigative Research And Journey

Within Sickle Cell Anemia “We never test God’s resources until we undertake the impossible.” ~F.B. Meyer “Lord, show me the secrets which I know not, teach me…” ~Keith Lawrence The inspiration for the writing of this book was just that, “inspired by God”, because I had no prior interest or desire to undertake such an awesome task as this. The inspiration and task was given to me seven years prior to the actual research and documentation began. The years spanning 1998-2006 were the intense periods of research and formulation for the basis of this monumental task. The origin was definitely in God’s realm of choosing me, this clay vessel, and the place; no laboratory nor university campus among scholarly degreed, intellectuals or men of science but within the confines of prison. No access to resources and data about this age old malady coined Sickle cell anemia; the hematological disorder deemed “the Black man’s curse” by some, or the boon and bane of the African race by others. Yet I’ve learned that while separated from the outside world with it’s influences, that God could teach and guide me in the midst of my crucible for His Glory and the benefit and help of so many of His people. It has been said, “All His biddings are enablings.” Having questioned whether this calling to pursue this course of study was really what He directed that I do, or just some fleeting grandiose thought, as were so many other circumstantial revelations during my decade plus years of incarceration. The quest has been beset by detours, distractions, personal idiosyncrasies, orchestrated diversions and the echoing insinuations from the adversary to question, procrastinate and abort interruptions from family, the ilk of pseudo friends, illness, and even the passing of my mother. Yet, I’d later come to realize and appreciate the challenge to proceed and the test God was presenting to me. Whilst I asked My Heavenly Father for forgiveness for my oft procrastinations and flippant backburner failures, He never gave up on me nor ceased to woo, urge and send providential motivations and warnings to me, His dependent child, these texts would ever resound in my mind: “And in this I give my advice: it is to your advantage not only to be doing what you began and were desiring a year ago, but now you must also complete the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to desire it, so there also may be a completeness out of what you have. For if there is a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has and not according to what he does not have.” 2 Corinthians 8:11, 12. “….For everyone to whom much is given, from him much is required….” Luke 12:48. “Take heed to the ministry which you have received from the Lord, that you may fulfill it.” Colossians 4:17. Thus by His Grace and Mercy, by His continued favor towards me, and by The Holy Spirit’s leading, Guidance and direction, this trembling hand presses forward for His Glory and praise, the Creator and Redeemer. ~Keith Lawrence

The Origin of the Investigative Research And Journey

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