September 22 | 2024 National Institute of Technology Goa सा िव ा या िवमु ये Chief Guest Dr. Samir V. Kamat Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and Chairman, DRDO, Govt. of India Guest of Honour Mr. Mansoor Rahimat Khan Co-founder & CEO, and Alumna- B.Tech Batch 2011-2015 Prof. Omprakash R. Jaiswal Director & In-charge Chairperson, Board of Governors, NIT Goa 2


About National Institute of Technology Goa

The National Institute of Technology Goa (NIT Goa) is a premier national-level technical institute in India established in 2010 by an act of parliament (NIT Act, 2007 and NIT (Amendment) Act, 2012). NIT Goa is an autonomous institute functioning under the aegis of Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India, and has been declared an “Institute of National Importance”. The Institute is dedicated to its academic excellence and aims to produce quality Engineers and Scientists. The Institute offers undergraduate programmes in Five Engineering Departments: (1) Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), (2) Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), (3) Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), (4) Civil Engineering (CVE), and (5) Mechanical Engineering (MCE). The Institute offers M.Tech. Programmes in the Three disciplines: (1) Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), (2) VLSI and (3) Power Electronics and Power Systems (PEPS). The Institute also offers Ph.D. degree in various stream of Engineering, Applied Sciences, Technology and Humanities & Social Sciences The Institute is well-equipped with laboratories, workshops and has an up-to-date Library with rich and comprehensively high-quality print and electronic resources. The Training and Placement Cell of NIT Goa provides opportunities to students to shape their career in various companies from varied sectors: Research and Development, Engineering & Technology, IT/ Software Development, Analytics, Finance, Education, Consulting, Public Sector Undertaking and others. Additionally, the Institute has witnessed an increase in the number of internships offered to pre-final year students. NIT Goa signed many MoUs and Agreements with other academic & research institutes, industries and organizations to facilitate faculty and student exchange programs, knowledge sharing, carrying-out interdisciplinary research works, joint research guidance, curriculum and course developments, joint workshop, conferences, seminars, and many more student and faculty development programs. All the faculty members of NIT Goa are dedicated to training the students with a world-class education. Faculty members are actively involved in research works and have executed many funded R & D projects. They have been publishing research articles and book chapters regularly. Many faculty members have been granted and many have filed patent/patents. Institute has organised several GIAN courses, STTP, FDP, Workshops, National and International Conferences etc. The Institute also organises outreach activities/initiatives like 'Rashtriya Aavishkar Abhiyan (RAA)', 'Unnat Bharat Abhiyan', 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan', 'Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat', 'FiT India' programmes, and many more. The students of NIT Goa are actively involved in various co-curricular activities through students' clubs, councils, and study circles like SPECTRA, TESLA, QUANTA, CESCO & META etc. The SPIE and IEEE student chapters of the Institute organise various scientific and research-oriented events. The annual techno-cultural fest of NIT Goa is SAAVYAS. For overall development of the students, the Institute also provides sports facilities. The students also celebrate cultural festivals of different states of India to maintain unity in diversity and it is a collective effort by the Institute to inculcate integral education of mind and body. Our Vision National Institute of Technology Goa shall emerge as one of the nation's pre-eminent institutions. Through its excellence, it shall serve the Goan society, India and humanity at large with all the challenges and opportunities. Our Mission   NIT Goa strives for quality faculty, good students and excellent infrastructure. Strives for excellence, through dissemination, generation and application of knowledge by laying stress on interdisciplinary approach in all the branches of Science, Engineering, Technology, Humanities and Management with emphasis on human values and ethics. 3

About National Institute of Technology Goa

Board of Governors

Prof. Omprakash R. Jaiswal In-charge Chairperson & Director, NIT Goa Dr. C. Vyjayanthi Dean, Academics Deans Mrs. Saumya Gupta Dr. Damodar Reddy Edla Addnl Secretary/Jt. Secretary (Technical Education), Dean, Students Welfare MHRD, Govt. of India Dr. Amol D Rahulkar Sh. Sanjog Kapoor Dean, Faculty Welfare Financial Advisor, Dept of Higher Education, MHRD, Dr. Chirag Modi Govt. of India Dean, Research & Consultancy Dr. Venkatesh Ganesh Prabhu Desai Dr. Velavan Kathirvelu Chairman, Chandranath Education Society, Assolda, Dean, Planning & Development Quepem, Goa Dr. Anirban Chatterjee Dr.Mahesh Dhavalikar Dean, Institutional Relations & Alumni Affairs Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Deans Goa Engineering College, Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa Dr. Shivnarayan Patidar Dr. Suresh Mikkili Associate Dean, Academics Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Dr. Lokesh Kumar Bramhane Electronics Engineering, NIT Goa Associate Dean, Students Welfare Dr. Lalat Indu Giri Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Dr. Prasenjit Dey Associate Dean, Faculty Welfare Communication Engineering, NIT Goa Dr. Sreeraj E.S Prof. B. G. Fernandes Professor & Head of Department of Electrical Associate Dean, Research & Consultancy Dr. Harikumar Associate Dean, Planning & Development Engineering, IIT Bombay Dr. Shashidhar K. Kudari Registrar, NIT Goa Dr. Sunilkumar Associate Dean, Facility Management Dr. Ravi Prasad K.J. Associate Dean, Institutional Relations & Alumni Affairs Senate Committee Prof. Omprakash R. Jaiswal Chairman & Director, NIT Goa Prof. N. C. Shivaprakash External Member, Professor, Instrumentation, IISc, Bengaluru Department Heads of Departments of Dr. Veena T. Computer Science and Engineering Prof. Vasant Matsagar Dr. Suresh Mikkili External Member, Professor, Department of Civil Electrical and Electronics Engineering Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Dr. Veerakumar T Prof. Smita Jha Electronics and Communication Engineering External Member, Professor, Department of Dr. L. Shangerganesh Humanities & Social Science, Indian Institute of Humanities & Social Sciences Technology, Roorkee Dr. Prasenjit Dey Dr. Shashidhar K. Kudari Mechanical Engineering Member Secretary, Registrar, NIT Goa Dr. Harikumar M. All Deans of NIT Goa, Member Civil Engineering All HoDs of NIT Goa, Member 4

Board of Governors

दी ा

ोपदे श: EXHORTATION Remember that your knowledge and intellectual attainment is the most sacred wealth of the nation. You shall, therefore, use it in a manner befitting the honour and dignity of your country and of your alma mater. You shall make every effort, in all circumstances, to uphold the dignity of your profession and integrity of your character. You shall endeavour, in every way, through thought, word and action, to bring about the wellbeing of the people. You must live a well-disciplined life. Never forget the commandment of the sacred scriptures: “Thou shalt perform deeds that are commendable and no others.” 5

दी ा

Address by the Chief Guest

Dr. Samir V. Kamat Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and Chairman, DRDO Government of India Mr. Mansoor Rahimat Khan, 2011-2015 Batch Alumni from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIT Goa and presently Co-founder & CEO,; is the Guest of Honor in today’s celebration, Prof. Omprakash Jaiswal, In-Charge Chairman of Board of Governors and Director of NIT Goa, Honourable Members of Board of Governors, the Senate, esteemed members of the Faculty and Staff, Dear Graduands, their proud Parents and other family members, Distinguished Invitees and Guests, Honourable members of the Media, Ladies and Gentlemen! Heartiest Congratulations to the batch of 2024! Today, you join a large and prominent group of global alumni from one of India's distinguished Institutes. I congratulate you all 166 B.Tech, 28 M.Tech and 13 Ph.D. graduands who would receive degree at this convocation. It is a great pleasure for me to be a part of the 10th Convocation of the National Institute of Technology Goa. You are the batch which had a unique experience of Engineering Education, as you started your journey in the year 2020, when the pandemic hit the world. I was informed that the first one-and-a half years of your engineering education was conducted in Online mode. You have quickly adapted yourself to the new method of learning, and today the changed world post pandemic is welcoming you with many opportunities. I was also informed that the permanent campus of National Institute of Technology Goa at Cuncolim, was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Pime Minister, Shri. Narendra Modi ji on 6 th February 2024. You are a unique batch also in that sense as you saw the Institutes inauguration and could spend your final semester in your own 114-acre campus. “You’ve done it, all the hard work has finally paid off and you’re all ready to take the next big leap in your life beyond the campus.” Today is also a memorable day for the institute to prove its accountability to the society. Be proud and stand tall! It is a collective effort of the teachers, students and their parents, which made it possible. I am happy that this small state is making its presence felt across the nation. The state has a lot of potential starting from beautiful topography to natural resources. The climate is also temperate, which has made the place a bio-diversity hotspot. It is a home of diverse flora and fauna. I would 6

Address by the Chief Guest

request you to take a look at the challenges the state has been facing and offer cost-friendly

solutions. Work closely with the government for the benefit of the Goans and country at large. The Indian value system is based on the principles of universalism, peace, and prosperity to all, or you may say, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” ---- the whole world is one family. We need to inculcate the feeling of oneness, which is possible if we have an integral vision to embrace all, irrespective of cults and creeds. This universality of approach must embrace the non-humans and mother nature too. I am happy to know that the institute curriculum is in compliance with National Education Policy – 2020. It offers value added courses like Health and Happiness, Professional Ethics and Human Values, Environmental Studies and Physical Education. The institute offers courses like Liberal arts, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Indian Knowledge system-based courses in additional to various multi-disciplinary electives and minor specializations. Institute facilitates credit transfers through Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) and Industrial internships across programs. Institute actively fosters collaborations with academic institutions, industries, and organizations through MoUs and exchange programs, enhancing its academic and research endeavors. I was happy to note that out of the 35 faculty, almost every faculty has atleast two research funded projects and few have international projects too. A total of 54 funded projects worth 35.57 Crores have been received and presently 17 projects worth 17.42 Crores are ongoing. Faculty have published nearly 700 reputed Journal papers, have about 20 granted and 18 submitted patents, 60 books and 15 book chapters till date. I was also informed about the student achievements in winning academic and co-curricular laurels – be it through GATE and IES ranks, in perusing higher studies or their sport achievements. I was happy to note that Institute encourages meritorious Ph.D. scholars with a partial travel grant for attending International Conferences and present their work. Overall, NIT Goa has carved a niche for itself in the academic landscape. Its rich legacy is marked by a commitment to excellence, innovation, and societal engagement, ensuring a transformative educational experience for its students and contribute to the advancements in technology. It is indeed good news that the graduating students are placed at different national and international MNCs and some of them have opted for higher education in premier Indian Institutes. Many have joined PSUs like Bharat Electronics, MECON, BSES and BPCL. 85% students have been placed amidst global recession, which is quite challenging. Some have joined IIMs. Some have gone to the US for the MS programme. Some have established Start-Ups to strengthen Indian economy. Young Bharath needs more and more entrepreneurs. I congratulate you all once again. Apart from the above, I have come to know that NIT Goa has trained a large number of school teachers and principals under “Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan” (RAA), an initiative by Ministry of Education (MoE). It is a convergent framework that aims at nurturing a spirit of inquiry and 7

request you to take a look at the challenges the state has been facing and offer cost-friendly

creativity, love for Science and Mathematics and effective use of technology amongst children

and encourage those who show an inclination and talent for these subjects to be encouraged and supported to heights of academic excellence and research. Our Bharat, is now rapidly preparing to become Atmanirbhar, particularly, in the defense sector. This brings in a lot of new and challenging opportunities to engineering graduates of all branches. Self-reliance in defense sector is strategically all the more needed in the present global scenario. DRDO has come up, with many schemes and programs for internship, and also for collaborative research with academic institutes. You are the torch-bearers of the institute. I can hope that you will materialise our dream of Viksit Bharat. We have obtained freedom in 1947; our leaders had envisioned the doctrine of Swaraj. Yes, we must obtain Purna Swaraj in every field. We must make our states, villages and communities empowered and strong so that our dependency on other countries minimize. Yes, this responsibility lies on your shoulders with the strength of intellect and power of character. It is good to hear that the students of NIT Goa participate in hackathons regularly and they bring accolades. Hence, I would like to say that be a part of the solution to the problems our society has been facing every day. Young minds can only offer effective and cost-friendly solutions through innovative technology. There are a lot of problems in our country. Travel ! Perceive ! and Offer a solution. Broaden your vision and increase awareness. We are now global citizens because of the rapid progress in Information and Communication Technology. In this Knowledge Age, where information is accessible very easily, there are no boundaries. In such a scenario, you must utilize the knowledge for social cause so that you can herald a new dawn by providing solutions to the challenges the world has been facing locally, nationally and globally. India has a rich tradition of education, culture, Yog and spirituality. Our scriptures are the oldest form of knowledge. The Vedic culture of ancient India was highly progressive with female scholars taking part in intellectual discourses. It was a society based on equality. India had a name in global trade and commerce. Indian merchandise was very popular across the globe. We get reference to Indian spices, silk and perfumes adorning the European households during the Renaissance in literature and historical documents. Not just that, the Knowledge, obtained from the Scriptures pertaining to Science, Technology, Medicine and Fine Arts was much ahead of the west. I request you to keep up the glory of our country in all respect. Keep up the Tricolour afloat high in the blue azure. It is a pride for all of us to live in a free country. I assume that you will remain sincere to your nation in days to come. I congratulate the graduating students once again. Stay blessed. Jai Hind !! 8

creativity, love for Science and Mathematics and effective use of technology amongst children

Address by the Guest of Honour

Mr. Mansoor Rahimat Khan Co-founder & CEO, and Alumna- B.Tech Batch 2011-2015 Honourable Director of NIT Goa Prof. Omprakash Jaiswal, Chief Guest Dr. Samir V. Kamat, honorable faculty of NIT Goa and my dear students. It gives me immense pleasure to be back here on campus speaking with you all and finally stepping foot on the campus we all wished for during our days at NIT Goa. It feels like I’m graduating again today considering I’m part of the prestigious 10th convocation ceremony. You all are extremely fortunate to be able to study in this lovely campus and I honestly am jealous of you students. I was a part of the 2nd batch of NIT Goa from 2011 - 2015 and we were in a temporary campus in the city of Ponda in Goa. We were young, naive, clueless and also a little anxious about our futures. With no batch having graduated yet it was a time where everything had to be built from the ground up. Our senior batch was someone we looked up to for inspiration and they were our guiding light during that time. We were envious of more established NITs and IITs which boasted of huge campuses and amazing events that would happen on their campus. We were envious of their facilities. But despite all of the limitations we faced during that time, there was content in the small campus that we had. We strived to do the best with the resources we had. Some of the faculties here might remember the hardships that we had to go through in order to conduct classes, organize events and raise funding for the various initiatives that we wanted to launch on campus. Over a period of time things got better, we started to see promise in a lot of initiatives that we had pioneered during our time. I wanted to tell you all my story being one of the many students at NIT Goa during its inception years. Like everyone else during their first year of engineering, I was curious, anxious, frustrated, and had a lot of feelings that I couldn’t recognise. I was not sure had I chosen the right stream, am I meant for this but a lot of those feelings started to go away over time as I began connecting with my classmates and my professors. I personally was always passionate to start something on the campus. I had a background in music as I came from a family of musicians and was trained at home so with the help of a few faculty members and students. I launched the music club on campus. I was definitely not the brightest in my field of engineering but I definitely had the strive to learn more. I still remember the days when we would be confused about what electives to choose, what would be more strategic from a future career standpoint or should we focus more on computer science due to its promising placement prospects. A lot of the things while you’re on campus seem to be competitive. You tend to compare yourself with the person sitting beside you. I want you all to know that none of this matters. You need to focus only and only on one aspect, your individuality. All of you are unique individuals 9

Address by the Guest of Honour

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