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:Planet Zoo Animal Conservation Information

:Planet Zoo Animal Conservation Information

?Are zoos beneficial to the conservation of animals Association of Zoos and Aquariums-accredited (AZA) facilities are beneficial because of the high standards they exemplify in animal welfare, conservation, research, education, and recreation                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Largest Terrestrial Animals Today’s elephants are a remnant species, the last of order Proboscidea. The order name refers to the proboscis – the trunk. There are two species, the African and the Asian (Elephas maximus), that have traditionally been accepted. All elephants are gray (though Asians often show de-pigmentation), but any elephant can look red or gray-green or charcoal because of a .recent dust-bath ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                           .Red ruffed lemurs are designed for leaping Some of the largest lemurs, red ruffed lemurs have the typical lemur appearance, with their hind legs longer than front. With opposable great toes and those extra-long hind legs, they are designed for leaping. Typically, the red ruffed lemur will cling vertically, look over its shoulder,  .and leap

:Planet Zoo Animal Conservation Information

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