San Angelo Health Foundation Annual Report 2022





Mission with lots o


Mission with lots o

of photos


of photos

chairman photo


chairman photo

The San Angelo Health Foundation was established with $44 million in

1995. Since inception we have awarded over $65 million to 236 organizations to support 875 community projects. In 2022 we partnered with 43 nonprofits to support 46 worthy projects. These nonprofits deliver health care, behavioral health, elder care, education, emergency response, and philanthropic services to our community. Most, if not all, our partners specialize in assisting the underserved, neediest populations in the Concho Valley. A few of the projects we funded are: • Bringing in-hospital hospice care to the Concho Valley with West Texas Rehabilitation Center. • Expanding in-demand services from the West Texas Counseling & Guidance Center who has seen a sharp increase in patients. • Ensuring accurate delivery of meals with an online database for Meals for the Elderly and bringing apartments up to code and are safe at the Rio Concho Manor by upgrading outdated obsolete electrical panels. • Implementing a custom database to track students and tutors for the WHIT Program which is a brand-new tutoring program for CPS children who are often a year or more behind in class. • Ensuring water and response vehicles arrive at a fire or emergency in a timely fashion with area volunteer fire departments. • Partnering with the San Angelo Area Foundation for an event that boosts donations for all nonprofit organizations who participate. Letter from the chairman Each grant has a story. Each grant furthers our mission to enhance the quality of life for the people of the San Angelo area. I’d like to thank our Trustees for the work you’ve put into making 2022 such a success! Signed, David Lutpon Chairman 6

The San Angelo Health Foundation was established with $44 million in

Success story 1


Success story 1

Success story 2


Success story 2

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