Vocable - Hors série Mars 2020

Vocable - Hors série Mars 2020

Summary of Vocable - Hors série Mars 2020

Partir Séjours Linguistiques et Éducatifs

In this special edition, we delve into the world of linguistic and educational stays, providing tips on choosing the right formula, highlighting budget-friendly options, and focusing on destinations like Spain. Teachers share advice on preparing for school trips, while the importance of quality standards in linguistic and educational stays is emphasized. The interview features journalist Alex Taylor, discussing language learning, teaching methods, and the impact of fun on education.

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Interview with Alex Taylor

Alex Taylor, a journalist with a background in language learning, discusses the challenges of language education in France, emphasizing the importance of a supportive learning environment over a punitive one. He shares insights from his experiences abroad and advocates for a more engaging and enjoyable approach to language learning, especially for young learners.

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Practical Tips for Linguistic Stays

This section offers practical advice on affordable linguistic stays, including budget-friendly options in various countries such as the UK, Spain, and Germany. Tips on reducing costs, choosing the right formula, and planning trips outside peak seasons are provided, along with insights from L'Office on cost-saving strategies for linguistic stays.

[Pages 6-7]

Vocable - Hors série Mars 2020 - Flipbook by Fleepit

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