Brigitte Münch - BrandMe Spotlight Article Issue 5



BRIGITTE MÜNCH Brigitte is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs simplify their business and life, cutting through the noise to focus on straightforward strategies that attract ideal clients and generate income. After nearly giving up on her business due to confusion and exhaustion, Brigitte returned to the fundamentals. By nailing down her niche, crafting a clear message, and creating a compelling market offer, she transformed her business and now guides her clients to do the same. B r a n d M e ! L i n k e d I n V i s i b i l i t y Ne t w o r k i n g G r o u p FEATURE EDITION | JUNE,2024 Spotlight


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Meet Brigitte Münch Business Coach for female consultants and coaches in their first 3 years of business Brigitte is passionate about simplifying your business (and life) so you get out of overwhelm and into straightforward strategies to attract your ideal clients and get money into your account. Cutting through the noise and focusing on the foundations of her business enabled her to turn everything around when she was at a point of giving up. She had tried for a while to get her business going and ended up confused, exhausted and frustrated, without the clients and income she wanted and needed. At this point Brigitte was thinking about getting a paid job again (even though everything inside of her was screaming NO!), she gave it one last shot by going back to her roots – and it worked! Now she shares her steps to success with her clients: “We nail down their niche, create a clear message and craft a compelling market offer, so they attract the clients they enjoy working with and see money coming in. We also develop their entrepreneurial mindset to set them up for success. It all starts with the simple, rock-solid foundations and then, you (finally!) have the clarity and confidence to go out there, get your business off the ground and make the impact you wish!” BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Brigitte Münch Page 2

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Personal Journey

What inspired you to start your own business? It started as a niggling feeling during my corporate legal career. I had climbed the career ladder, but I felt as if the corporate jacket I was wearing started to become too tight. Whilst I enjoyed working with colleagues from many different countries with very diverse professional and cultural backgrounds, I was struggling with all the processes, policies and restrictions in my daily work. I felt a lack of creativity and greater meaning, and when the next reorganisation came, I took the chance and made the leap. Can you share a significant turning point in your professional journey that shaped your path? There were several… Leaving the corporate world was one thing, what was next was completely open though! I knew a lot of things I didn’t want anymore, but what was it that I wanted? My first decision was to move countries. I lived in Sweden at that time, and being a mountain lover, I deeply missed the Alps. So, I moved to Switzerland, which was kind of a childhood dream. But I didn’t dare yet to start completely on my own. So, I helped a start-up to develop their business and bring in revenue – but that was still in the legal field, and that work bored me to death after a short while (no surprise). Also, the founders of the startup didn’t share my values and ideas, so I understood that I needed to make a major step and do my own thing. At more or less the same time, my deeply beloved grandma passed. We had a very close and special relationship, and I was very fortunate that I could spend her last days together with her. During that time, I realized how much I wanted to make a bigger impact and use my time here on earth to create something that helps people live a better life – and live their life. I deeply felt I needed to reset and draw a line below my legal work. I decided to take a few weeks off and gather my heart, thoughts and ideas in a totally different environment – which I did in a small village up in the mountains. I worked as a ski instructor and found my joy and energy again, together with a picture of my future path. I knew a lot of things I didn’t want anymore, but wh t a was it that I wanted? BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Brigitte Münch Page 3

Personal Journey

Experience & Skills

What has stood out as the key reasons why your audience or clients love working with you? My pragmatic and down-to-earth approach and my focus on simplicity are two things my clients value a lot when working with me. Many have already invested in courses and programs to get a better idea of how to build their business, but many of the strategies they’ve learned weren’t right for them in their stage of business or didn’t resonate with them at all. Most of it is too complicated, and when you start out, all you need is simplicity and the basics, which help to build the foundation for everything you do. When you think about the experience and skills you have learned throughout your life/career, what would you say has helped you the most in your business? Perseverance, I’d say. “I have a deep passion for mountaineering, and when you’re out there, you have to deal with the conditions. And that’s the same in business, especially during the first years. ” I have a deep passion for mountaineering, and when you’re out there, you have to deal with the conditions. And that’s the same in business, especially during the first years. You have to be able to handle unexpected challenges. The path may be blocked, some of your equipment might get broken, or the weather turns really bad so you have to turn around or hide somewhere out in the wild or can’t move on as planned – then you need mental strength and perseverance, and the will to keep going to achieve your goal. And it's crucial that you have a map and compass at that point, and the right people at your side who can support and walk with you. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Brigitte Münch Page 4 Page 4

Experience & Skills

Entrepreneurial Insights

Can you share a particularly memorable project or achievement that you're proud of? It ties back to the perseverance. When my business didn’t really work for more than a year, I had to gather all my strength and courage to not give up. Thinking back to when you started your business, what are 3 tips you would have liked to have known to help you progress better? Focus, focus, focus. Don’t let yourself be distracted by all the noise and shiny objects out there. But we underestimate how much our will is able to achieve! I’m proud that I didn’t quit my goal to have my own business, but instead started investing in me and getting the right help, which is the best thing a business owner – no matter at which stage – can do! Build the foundations of your business first, before you try to do things which just take away your focus and energy and don’t help you in the beginning. Invest in getting the right help. You don’t have to walk this road alone, and even though it costs money, it will save you much more by getting results much faster! And set boundaries. Take care of yourself. Get time off and schedule that in! Time to exercise, to go out in nature, to be with family and friends, or whatever it is you need to recharge: make it non-negotiable! Personal Growth & Development How do you continue to learn and grow personally and professionally? If you follow the Gallup/Clifton Strengths Finder, I’m a #1 learner… so learning is at the core of my being! I read tons of books and articles, love deep conversations with people, listen to podcasts and work with a coach myself, because we always can learn more about ourselves. And, of course, I learn from and grow with my clients, which is the most beautiful thing! Have there been any mentors or role models who influenced your approach to business or work? Since I did my coaching training and certification, I’ve worked with several coaches and I’ve read hundreds of books and can’t count the hours listening and watching recordings of great coaches. There are a few who are well renowned like Bob Proctor, Brené Brown, Byron Katie or Steve Chandler, and my approach to my coaching is influenced by all of them. When it comes to business building, I’d say that I learn a lot from those who avoid the noisy, pushy way of selling which we often see in the online world. People like George Kao or Tad Hargrave reaffirm that it is possible to build a thriving business in a quieter way – which suits me as an introvert and highly sensitive person (HSP) much better and is much more in line with my values. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Brigitte Münch Page 5

Entrepreneurial Insights

Authenticity & Consistency

How do you ensure authenticity in your personal brand, and how do you stay true to yourself while also adapting to changing circumstances? Let’s be honest, we instantly feel it when we are losing authenticity, both in our work and our private lives, don’t we? When that feelings creeps in I get distracted or off track, I go back to my core values, my vision and my message. I have great clarity on them, and they ground and guide me back to myself, also when things outside of my control change. How do you maintain consistency in your personal brand across various platforms and interactions? The answer is the same really, if you know what really matters to you as a person, and the foundations of your business are clear, it’s like your pulse, and it permeates through all your work, no matter where and with whom. Thought Leadership Your Personal Brand How do you position yourself as a thought leader and share knowledge and expertise with your audience? I share content that’s focused on my work and what I do to help others build their business. The questions I ask myself are “Does it add value to my clients’ lives? How does it make their business easier and their lives better?” I want to add value and reach the people I enjoy working with. The platform I chose for my content is LinkedIn, I also send valuable tips and advice to my email community, and I talk about what I’m doing to people I meet in person or online. Conversation is the best tool to share knowledge and expertise, I think.. How did you feel about your personal brand when you started your business compared to now? I didn’t even have a brand! So, building one meant starting from scratch. With all the feelings you have when you’re completely new in a field, not much confidence, but doubts about my strengths and being able to build a brand at all. “Who am I to talk about this and to position myself as an expert?” was a thought I had quite often at the beginning. But I also knew that I wanted to make a positive impact, so I thought about the brand I wanted to develop: one that is aligned with my values and personality, and one which speaks to the people I want to work with. How has thought leadership contributed to your brand's growth and success? I mentioned that I’m a passionate learner and great (over) thinker! I can’t imagine being without inspiration, deep thoughts, ideas, and learning from those who are further ahead on their coaching or business growth journey, is a must for me. It inspires me to challenge my own perspective and brings fresh air into my brain. Who’s personal brand do you admire and why?? Brené Brown is a great example for me. She dared to build her brand with a topic that wasn’t popular at all when she started. Nobody was talking about vulnerability, especially not in the workplace. But she had the courage to talk about it and build a very strong brand around it, that’s impressive! Bonus Question - Choose one of the following to describe how you see your personal brand now or in the future: Fearless > Authentic > Confident > Exceptional > Successful (BrandMe! FACES) Difficult to only pick one . I’d say Confident, together with courageous. Looking back, I’ve made some courageous decisions in my professional and private life. I’m now more confident that I can survive whatever life throws my way. The courage to take action and embrace fear builds up confidence and trust in our own strengths. Starting and growing a business is a great test for that! 😉 Website: BM Blue Mountain - Business Coaching & Consulting LinkedIn: Brigitte Münch - Business Coach BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article - Brigitte Münch Page 6

Authenticity & Consistency

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you in brandme! spotlight We are thrilled to extend an invitation to you to be featured in the BrandMe! Spotlight Article series, where we celebrate the inspiring personal branding journeys of entrepreneurs and working professionals like you! Why You Should Participate: Elevate Your Personal Brand: Showcase your expertise and insights in our professionally written article, enhancing your personal brand's visibility and credibility. Targeted Exposure: Reach a focused audience within our vibrant BrandMe! personal brand membership group, aligned with your industry and interests. Thought Leadership Platform: Position yourself as a thought leader in your field, sharing valuable lessons and tips with our readers. Networking Opportunities: Connect with other influential individuals, potential collaborators, and clients who resonate with your message. SEO Benefits: Our website and articles are optimized for search engines, potentially increasing your online visibility and discoverability. Shareable Content: Receive a beautifully crafted article that you can share on your website, social media, and professional profiles, further reinforcing your personal brand. Promotional Opportunity: Share your product or services with our audience with a full page advert. BrandMe! Spotlight Feature Article Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. We believe your story, knowledge, skills, and experience will inspire our audience, fostering personal and professional growth for all. Let's work together to create an impact and strengthen the impact of investing in your personal brand! To confirm your participation or for any questions, please reply to this email or contact, with 'BrandMe! Spotlight Article Opportunity' in the subject line. Looking forward to showcasing your personal brand journey in the BrandMe! Spotlight Article series! Best regards, Dionne x Page 7



Personal Branding: Business Branding: Mob: 44 (0) 7985 574744 Facebook: dpsbrandcoaching/ Instagram: dps_brand_coaching LinkedIn: dionnepsmithbrandconsultant/ DPS Brand Consultancy Ltd. BrandMe! is a sub-brand name under the umbrella of DPS Brand Consultancy Ltd Registered in England and Wales.  Company Number 09065635


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