Creating Jobs in UAE

Brilliant Idea to Create Jobs in UAE

Brilliant Idea to Create Jobs in UAE

Brilliant Idea to Create Jobs in UAE

Mohammad Younes

9 b2/ AIS Business Project 013-01-2022

Mohammad Younes


Introduction: Having a job is very important, it makes you feel good. If you can earn money, you can buy things you need, pay your bills, have a place to live, and basically do things you want to do. Without money, you can't do much! And when you work, you develop new skills, learn new things, and create a record of employment. But these days finding a job is not easy, some reasons that make finding a job be challenging are: a. Companies may hire internally: Many opportunities that employers post are not exclusively open to external applicants If a company is hiring for a position, that position is usually also available to people within the company. An external candidate must be able to make a strong first impression in order to be given equal consideration to an internal candidate. b. Many jobs are never publicly posted: Many of the jobs that are available might not appear on public job boards. Instead, managers of these positions prefer to fill the position through recruiters or employee recommendations c. Positions are highly competitive: A single job posting can see hundreds of applications. For an application to be successful, it must be able to draw the employer’s attention. That’s why it is important for countries to have creative ideas for having new job opportunities for their citizens.



Ideas for Creating Jobs in UAE: Below are some ideas for creating jobs in UAE: To contact a group of pioneers in business in UAE and encourage them to lead an initiative to support unemployed young people to qualify and to find a job. The initiative can include having an application that includes a database where all 1.


people who seek jobs can join. This application has features that enable people to promote themselves, their skills, and their

business if they have small scale personal business, they can demonstrate their business to attract clients. Such initiative can improve access to the job market for economically deprived by making their skills widely visible: This can be anything from home-made food to carpooling to computer support or any other product or service that can reasonably be provided in a home or small business setting The App. can open the opportunity for people to contact and get in touch with each other to facilitate partnerships between people who are interested in the same field of work, it can include areas for professionals how are ready to cooperate and provide qualifying trainings to help people qualify for job, and another area where people which to train on a field can apply. The initiative can include organizing events by private and public organizations for specific fields of businesses and make it open to job seekers so they can get in contact with professionals in that field. The App. will serve as a base and reference for job seekers, it will collect information from users on what they could offer to the market and what their economic needs are. And it will form a reference about different products and services that can be provided and can be a reference for organizations seeking employers also for short term.

people who seek jobs can join. This application has features that enable people to promote themselves, their skills, and their


Government of UAE can lead an initiative to reduce youth unemployment and promote and idea for sharing jobs, those who have extensive experience and close to retirement can train in the job a youth who is seeking for a job and need to be qualify in a specific area. A list of those professionals who want to be part of this initiative can be created and organize an event where this idea is promoted, and the jobs involved in the initiative are demonstrated to attract job seekers. 3. UAE Government has all the resources needed to open new job opportunities in the country. They can invest in new areas that are not available yet in UAE e.g., they can establish factories for cars’ manufacturing as none is currently in UAE. They can manufacture their own cars with a totally new brand for UAE specifically and they can utilize the latest developments and manufacture electrical cars. Such projects will open job opportunities for thousands of people. Or they can enter the field of computers manufacturing and enlarge their work in space researches. Such new projects will open new job opportunities for people.



UAE can strongly enter the business field of the Internet of Things (IoT), e.g., they can manufacture refrigerators that tells you when things are going to expire or if you need new food supplies for home.


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