A History of Hillmorton Parish and its Churches

A History of the Parish of

A History of the Parish of

Hillmorton and its Churches

A History of the Parish of

The numbers in the plan are referenced in the History of the Church.

The numbers in the plan are referenced in the History of the Church.

St John the Baptist Church – “The Church at the Locks”

Early records suggest that there has been a church on this site since the 12th Century, consisting of a chancel and aisleless nave. The Church was endowed by the de Astley family. Of the original church nothing above ground remains standing, but some of the original stone may have been used in the later rebuilding. The oldest existing structures are parts of the nave and chancel (1) dating from about 1240. In 1342 the patronage was handed over to the newly formed College of Astley (near Nuneaton) and it was at this time that the church was extensively altered. The 'Singer’s Gallery' (2) is mentioned in records of 1766 when the attractive curving wooden stairway, having an intricate 'pineapple' carving on the lower newel post, was moved to its present position probably to give space for the bell ringers at the base of the tower. The nave (3) is lofty and at the centre of each of the roof crossbeams can be seen carved bosses. These date from the 16th Century when the clerestory was added. One of the central bosses is of a 'Green Man', a face made of, or completely surrounded by foliage. The organ (4) in the gallery was made by Bishop's of London, especially for this church and was installed in 1842. It is a single-manual choral organ with a very sweet tone. Originally, an internally fitted barrel enabled 10 hymn tunes to be played in the absence of an organist. The barrel worked in the same way as a musical box.

St John the Baptist Church – “The Church at the Locks”

Outside the clergy vestry is an old box pew (5) as it was when originally

installed in 1766. Of Norway Oak, these were fitted with doors - you can see the pew number on the door - and very narrow wooden seats. The pews came up to shoulder level and must have been a good defence against the cold draughts blowing through the building before heating was installed. In the restoration work of the 1960's, the oak box pews were reduced in height and wider seats fitted for comfort. Inside this original pew on the north wall you can see some older Jacobean panelling. How far this once extended around the Church is not known. A glance back at the vestry-end window (6) will show how far out-ofperpendicular the north aisle is. At the 1960s' restoration of the church, plaster was beginning to fall off the north wall; when it was removed traces of a painted Lord's Prayer (7) were found dating from the PostReformation 16th C.. In a niche in the north aisle (8) is a recumbent figure of the first Incumbent (Vicar) of Hillmorton, William de Walton, d. 1348. In the corner of the aisle are two wood carvings (9), one is after an etching by Poussin of ‘The Finding of Moses in the Bulrushes’ and the other is of ‘The Flight into Egypt’ - source unknown. Alongside them hangs a modern icon of Mary. When the box pews were repositioned in the late 1770's a Georgian mahogany pulpit (10) was added. This can be dated to 1779, together with an oak Vicar's desk, now in the Vestry, and the Clerk's stall opposite the pulpit. The total cost for all 3 items was 26 Guineas (£27.30).

Outside the clergy vestry is an old box pew (5) as it was when originally

The niche in the wall by the modern organ (11) may have been a piscina (a

stone basin used to drain water from washing hands in the Mass) or an aumbrey (a cupboard to keep the blessed sacrament, sacred vessels, books, and oils for anointing.) It dates from the 14th C. and may have formed part of an early chantry chapel. Above the chancel arch you can see the Coat of Royal Arms (12) of Queen Anne (d.1714) painted on wood. It was the custom of the Church of England, started in the time of Henry VIII, for the Royal Arms to be displayed. The practice ceased during Anne's reign. The chancel fell down in 1640 and was replaced with the present design but it is possible that the east window (13) from the original building was incorporated. The vertical stonework of the tracery has been renewed. The foundations of the 1640 building were poor and there is continuous movement of the south wall, necessitating the 'temporary' window frames that you see today. The stained glass single lancet window representing the Virgin and Child was given in memory of Mrs. Jenkin, wife of the then Vicar and dates from 1924. The panelling around the wall of the chancel (14) was made from the box pew doors in 1921 when the old plaster was removed from the chancel walls. The processional cross and communion rails formed part of this refurbishment. The two sanctuary chairs are mid-17th C. The extreme narrowness of the chancel suggests that it was designed as an open area; behind panels at the Vicar's stall (15) is a sedilia in the wall. This was a group of three seats, divided by vertical columns, used by the clergy during services of worship. Wooden seating for the clergy and servers was not added until 1766.

The niche in the wall by the modern organ (11) may have been a piscina (a

The present Communion Table (16) was made by G. S. C. Lucas, a

parishioner, from an oak felled at the site of the Aldermaston Research Laboratories and was dedicated in 1968. The previous Table, given in 1921 as a thanksgiving for 2 sons (anonymous) who survived the Great War (1914-1918), was moved to the south aisle (17); the cross and candlestick now on it were made by A. E. Matthews and given in memory of a parishioner. Made from brass rod, they remind us that the church is concerned with the work of all mankind. The lectern (18), whilst not of noteworthy design, is somewhat unusual in that it is double-sided. The fittings for two candleholders can be seen at either side. Notice the remains of wall paintings to the left (19) of the first window in the south aisle. These have not been dated since they were first uncovered during the 1960s restoration. Beneath you will see the remains of a Piscina - a basin with drain, once used by the priest when washing his hands and the vessels used during Mass. The front portion of the basin was destroyed when the box pews were installed. The 1920s stained glass windows (20) are in 14th C. style stonework and represent; (20a) St. Peter; Jesus, the Good Shepherd; St. John; (20b) St. John the Baptist; King David; the story of the Good Samaritan.

The present Communion Table (16) was made by G. S. C. Lucas, a

The effigy of a recumbent knight to the side of the pews in the south aisle

(21) is thought to be Sir Thomas de Astley d.1265. It was severely cut about when the box pews were installed in the 1770s, and previous to that it had been badly defaced, possibly in the Civil War, when parliamentary troops may have been billeted in the church before the Battle of Naseby in 1642. They did not care for 'graven images' and sometimes used them as sharpening stones for their swords as well as breaking off pieces. The adjacent figure (22) in the south aisle is probably a memorial to Edith, Sir Thomas' wife, or Margaret his daughter. Traces of colour can still be seen in some of the dress folds, showing that this once was elaborately painted, as may also have been that of her husband. The effigy forms the lid for a stone coffin, the base of which is let into the floor. The brass (23) of a lady - either Catherine or Margaret Astley - dates from about 1410 and is similar to another at Mereworth, near Atherstone. At the heads of the pillars (24) dividing the south aisle from the central nave are carved faces. These may well have been caricatures of the benefactors who provided the money for the extension. The grotesque nature of some, with lips pursed, was probably the result of having no teeth. Dating from the 12th Century, the font (25) was once discarded in 1777 and replaced with a marble basin on an iron stand. We are fortunate that the original font was retrieved from the churchyard rubbish heap in 1849 and replaced in its present position. The font cover is from c. 1880. There are several 'charity boards' in the church. Adjacent to the main entrance is the Astley charity board (26). Sir Edward provided for two shillings each week to purchase twelve two penny loaves. These were placed on the rack beneath and were distributed

The effigy of a recumbent knight to the side of the pews in the south aisle

after Divine Service to such poor of the parish that had attended (or were

prevented 'by sickness' from attending) as the Vicar and Churchwardens should think fit. The church was re-roofed in 1719, and there was a bay of lead, now in storage at the vicarage, as a check that the lead used was of good quality, and, maybe, as an advert for the plumber! There is another from 1810 in the vestry. The porch roof (27) is now covered in steel after the lead was stolen; on the original lead were the 'marks' of two of the plumbers who installed the lead when the porch was roofed. The outline of a square-toed boot was incised into the lead, together with their initials. Once outside, you will notice that the church is built on higher ground rising out of what was, at one time, marshland - the 'moor' of 'Hill-moortown'. The footpath from the main entrance porch leading under the railway foot tunnel, led directly to the site of the former Hillmorton Manor House, located where Constable Road and Brindley Road now meet. In bygone days, the Lord of the Manor was 'responsible, as 'Lay Rector', for the upkeep of the Chancel. The tower (28) was built about 1565 and a set of five bells, by Thomas Russell of Bedford, were hung in 1731. The old wooden bell frame was replaced in 1972 by a new steel frame made by apprentices from GEC. Another bell, by Taylors of Loughborough, was added at that time to make a ring of six.

after Divine Service to such poor of the parish that had attended (or were

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