CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023



An Association of Caribbean Water Utilities Committed to the efficient management of the Region’s water Resources ANNUAL REPORT July 2022 - June 2023 CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023 1



The Caribbean Water and Sewerage Association is the industry body that connects the Caribbean water industry, representing 12 publicly owned water utilities with over 5 private sector affiliates. Our members provide water and sewerage services to nearly 400,000 customers in the Caribbean. Vision: Committed to assisting Member Utilities in forging pathways of sustainable growth and development that will result in their being world-class water and waste water utilities that provide outstanding value-for-money to customers. Mission: To provide for the sustainable growth and development of water utilities and the promotion of water and wastewater-related issues through the delivery of quality training and utilizing collective resources and experiences. To view our 2022-2023 Annual Financial Statements,visit us at : report. The Association facilitates collaboration, knowledge sharing, networking and cooperation in the urban water industry. The Association’s main activities focus on the following core areas: • Staff Training and Development • Certification Programme • Networking • Institutional Strengthening • Government Lobby • Research • Publications 2 CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023 14 16



03 04 Message from the CAWASA President AND THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MEMBERS OF THE BORAD Highlights FIDIC Training CARIBSAN GEF CReW + Project: Water and Wastewater Capacity Building Programme in the Caribbean Caribbean Water Utilities Insurance Component SegregatedPortfolio (CWUIC SP) IDB/CWUIC Pre-Conference Workshop at CWWA 2022, The Bahamas 7th Caribbean Water Operators Conference 16 Strategic Partnerships Caribbean Development Bank Inter-American Development Bank Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) Water Professionals International (Wpi) Caribbean Desalination Association (CaribDA) GWOPA/Cari-WOP Operators Without Borders (OWB) Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) UNICEF/ WaSH LAC USAID/Eastern and Southern Caribbean (ESC) Communications NOAA/CIMH Conference CAWASA Youtube Channel July 2022 – June, 2023 CAWASA Webinar Series July 2022 – June 2023 OECS Climate Change Regional Meeting World Bank New IBNET FINANCIAL POSITION CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023 3



from the President and the Executive Director knowledge sharing services. In addition, our virtual webinars on a wide range of subjects and other events underscored the association’s commitment to keeping members informed and engaged. Christopher Husbands President Ignatius Jean Executive Director We are honoured and pleased to present the Annual Repor t of the Caribbean Water and Sewerage Association (CAWASA) for the period covering July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. This report summarizes the Association’s activities carried out during the year under review, including its achievements made and challenges faced. Our crowning achievement last year was the implementation of the GEF CReW+ Project: Water and Wastewater Capacity Building Programme in the Caribbean.This Project was implemented by CAWASA in collaboration with the Operators Without Borders (OWB) in four (4) water utilities (BWA, BWS, NAWASA and WASCO). The success of CAWASA’s events, including the hosting of the 7th Water Operators’ Conference in Barbados June 28-30, 2023 and the hosting of the WPI pinning ceremony of 8 water operators who qualified with the Professional Operator designation, highlights the strength of the association’s certification, training and 2 CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023 We renewed our par tnerships with regional and international partners towards a path for a resilient and climate smart future, aligned to the Regional Strategic Action Plan for Governance and Building Resilience in the Water Sector in the Caribbean (RSAP) and SDG 6. In that regard, the Associationparticipated in several regional and international events such as the GWOPA’s 5th Global WOPs Congress, CIMH NOAA Conference: Climate Services to Support Adaptation and Resilience in the Caribbean in Barbados, USAID’s Water is Life Conference in Barbados and the Annual Conference of the Water Professionals International in Florida. In addition, we continued to play a lead role in the promotion and implementation of the Caribbean Water Utilities Insurance Component Special Portfolio (CWUIC SP), and the CARIBSAN Pilot Project in wastewater treatment in Cuba, Dominica and Saint Lucia in collaboration with the Water Offices of Martinque and Guadeloupe. In the light of the challenges of inter-island travel challenges with have had to be creative with service delivery to our members. With the development of a range of new digital content particularly our Wednesday Webinar Series and various social media platforms, our members have embraced the various avenues to connect, share and inspire positive change. We encourage you to read through the accomplishments in the reportandthank you for your continued support of this association as we collectively aspire to improve the quality of water and sanitation services in the Region.


Christopher Husbands

President PerlineScatliffe-Leonard Vice President Ian Lewis Secretary Edmund Regis Treasurer Barnard Ettinoffe Immediate Past President Ignatius Jean Executive Director CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023 3

Christopher Husbands


FIDIC Training July 26 -28, 2022 CAWASA par tnered with the ECV Consultancy Limited to deliver a virtual training coursetitled: ECV Module 2-10 “The Practical Application of the 2021 FIDIC Short Form Contract” (The Green Book). Sixty-nine (69) persons from 12 CAWASA member utilities and Belize Water Services participated in the training course. The par ticipants included general managers, senior operations personnel, engineers, financial managers, procurement managers, and legal officers. All participants were awarded certificates of participation. The principal course tutor was David Heslett who is the creator and author of the FIDIC/ECV courses and is a very experienced international engineer. He holds FIDIC 2022 Certificates as a Trainer and Contract Manager. He was supported by Marcus Theil, an FIDIC certified tutor who was responsible for the technical presentation of the course using Adobe Connect system. The course explained in detail the responsibilities and risks in the use of the Contract for Employers, Contractors and Engineers as well explaining the detailed procedures introduced in the Contract. The tutors highlighted the main changes between the 1999 and 2021 FIDIC Short Form Contracts with detailed support information as to these substantial changes that make the 2021 edition having far greater application than the 1999 editions. Changes of major significance were covered that relate to the Role of the Engineer, Engineer’s Determinations, Programme, Variations, Employer’s Risks, Insurance, Claims and Disputes. CARIBSAN CAWASA continued to be an integral partner in the implementation of the CARIBSAN Project which established institutional and technical cooperation among the water utilities in Martinique, Guadeloupe, Cuba, Dominica and Saint Lucia.The Project was funded by the EU INTERREG, AFD, ODE Mar tinique and Guadeloupe and the OiEau of France. The CARIBSAN project is a nature-based solution for wastewater treatment through the promotion of constructed wetlands as a wastewater treatment technique. This ecological engineering technique in sanitation is climate-resilient, adapted to the tropical context, and economical. It protects and enhances the local natural heritage. 4 CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023 The first phase of the CARIBSAN project which commenced in September 2021, culminated in June 2023 with the CARIBSAN Regional Conference in Martinique. The conference brought together political and technical actors, facilitated exchanges, knowledge sharing and feedback from all OECS countries. It also marked the inauguration CARIBSAN Phase 2. The results of Phase 1 included: • developmentof a multi-criteria analysis method to guide decision-makers in defining their Treatment Wetlands project; • 3 sites selected for the construction of the future Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) with


Treatment Wetlands in the partner countries and

carried out the preliminary design studies; • conducted a major awareness-raising and technical training component; • implemented Caribbean-wide communication on sanitation and ecological solutions for wastewater treatment; • deployed efficient technical cooperation among 5 territories, through knowledge-sharing and harmonising expectations to co-construct phase 2; • their validation through metrological monitoring and specific studies on plants; • the creation of a GIS tool to help choose urban water management scenarios using NbS (Naturebased Solutions); • the continued promotion of technology in the Caribbean; • suppor t for local actors towards technological autonomy; CARIBSAN Phase 2 will include: • Support for the development of partners' skills in sanitation (capacity building, heritage inventory, awareness raising and specific communication, etc.); • the construction of 3 Treatment Wetlands treatment plants as pilot (demonstration) sites in the partner countries; • the continuation of a successful technical cooperation, with a health and environmental scope, which is recognised in the Caribbean. CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023 5

Treatment Wetlands in the partner countries and

Highlights | CAWASA ANNUal report 2022 -2023

GEF CReW + Project: Water and Wastewater Capacity Building Programme in the Caribbean. Operators from four (4) water utilities were the beneficiaries of training in wastewater treatment and collection conducted by CAWASA in collaboration with the Operators Without Borders (OWB).This was made possible through a grant of USD47,000 from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) under the GEF CReW + Project for implementation of the component: Water and Wastewater Capacity Building Programme in the Caribbean. The series of training activities were held during the period January 16 to March 24, 2023. Date Jan. 16 - 20, 2023 Jan. 23 - 27, 2023 Feb. 13 - 17, 2023 Feb. 20 - 21, 2023 _______________ 1 2 6 Country Saint Lucia Barbados Grenada Belize Utility WASCO1 BWA2 NAWASA3 BWS4 WASCO – Water and Sewerage Company Inc. BWA – Barbados Water Authority CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023 Subject Wastewater Collection Wastewater Collection Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Collection Tutor Skylar Lipson Skylar Lipson Stacy Passaro Ronald Enns NAWASA – National Water and Sewerage Authority BWS – Belize Water Services Limited 3 4

Highlights | CAWASA ANNUal report 2022 -2023

Highlights | CAWASA ANNUal report 2022 -2023

Date Feb. 27 –Mar 3, 2023 Mar. 6 – 10, 2023 Mar. 13 -17, 2023 Mar. 20 – 24, 2023 Country Barbados Grenada Saint Lucia Belize Utility BWA NAWASA WASCO BWS Subject Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Collection Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Treatment Tutor Chris Kerman James J.Courchaine Shantelle Clarke Ian Mcilwham In the 4 pilot countries, namely, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, and Saint Lucia, the Project prepared a cadre of 86 wastewater operators for the certification programme of the Water Professionals International (WPI, formerly Association Boards of Certification - ABC) - Levels I and II in both Wastewater Treatment and Wastewater Collection. The WPI certification programme is the most widely recognized throughout North America and the Caribbean. The courses were of five (5) days duration per country. Each course accommodated a maximum twenty (20) participants per utility. The team of instructors comprised volunteers from the Operators Without Borders (OWB), led by Valerie Jenkinson, Chairperson of OWB, Mr. Skylar Lipson, Ron Enns, Chirstopher Kerman, James J.Courchaine, Stacy Passaro, Ian Mcilwham, Shantelle Clarke. The participating utilities in the Project were the Barbados Water Authority (BWA), Belize Water Services Ltd (BWS),Water and Sewerage Company Inc. (WASCO), Saint Lucia, and National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA), Grenada. Caribbean Water Utilities Insurance Component SegregatedPortfolio (CWUIC SP) The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB Group), Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility Segregated Portfolio Company (CCRIF SPC), Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA), Caribbean Water and Sewerage Association (CAWASA), Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), and K&M Advisors LLC have partnered for the development, structuring, and implementation of CWUIC SP. During the reporting period CWUIC SP has progressed from feasibility and planning stages to implementation. The CCRIF SPC has committed to include CWUIC SP as a new portfolio within its jurisdiction. A governance structure was established in which the Management Committee appointed by the IDB and CDB will be responsible for the operation of the CWUIC SP, under the delegated authority of the Board of Directors of the CCRIF SPC. CAWASA Annual Report July 2022 - June 2023 7

Highlights | CAWASA ANNUal report 2022 -2023

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